Brief Overview

"I'm a WorldChanger" is a new initiative that aims to link businesses with great kingdom projects around the world. Providing tailor made sponsorship solutions we can design opportunities for companies and individuals to give financially and of your time and expertise. You CAN change the lives of others!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dreaming with Purpose 2011 conference 13th August Auckland

Less than two weeks to go to Dreaming with Purpose 2011. Getting excited and nervous at the same time. How will it go? Who will come?

I'm at peace that this is a seed of something for the future that God wants me to do. But my flesh still wants to see the result now! Being a pioneer can be very stretching sometimes (all the time in fact!).

So pray for the conference, let people know about it and encourage them to come.

Let's help each other change our world.



Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm challenging you to make a difference!

I was completely blown away by a chat I had today with a total stranger.

A building inspector came to our building today to review some work we are doing. After the inspection we were sitting talking and he told me of something he was doing.

Basically, he was in Cambodia over 10 years ago. A young girl tried to pick his pockets. He caught her doing it and challenged her that either he would take her to the police OR feed her, get her a hair cut and some new clothing. She accepted that latter!

Later that evening, after he had organised what he had promised, he returned to his hotel to find the little girl sitting in the foyer. She had no where to go!

So he called some friends who lived in Cambodia. He offered to pay for the little girls upkeep if they would let the girl live with them.

10 years later the little girl has grown up, gone through education and is blossoming. Her NZ "dad" calls her regularly and has been great support and a great role model!

I was amazed.

I just want to say to each of you the "you can make a difference and it is very simple!"

I can arrange children for you to support.

I can arrange villages where to can assit building infra-structure.

I can assist you with supporting females, males, children or families. In education, health, prison or orphanages - even a feature film building family values in New Zealand.

In New Zealand or over seas.

We can find the need but you have to find the heart.

I'm not asking from a missions/guilt perspective. Quite the opposite. I believe YOU WILL BE CHANGED by your giving! Your company will be better off with a giving culture.

You can give financially and/or of your time.

I'm challenging you - because it is easy to make a difference.

It just taks a change in your hearts and an email to me to set something up.

I was inspired by how easily the man who I spoke to today changed the life of that little girl.

I'm a WorldChanger is about helping you link to needs and people so you can inspire them with your love.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pay, don't just pray!

Had a great chat with Tracey Oliver at Connect Magazine in South Africa. We were talking about how many people want good services and support but are often unwilling to support or pay for those services.

She put a post on her site advising her readers "not just pray but to pay!"

For too long Christians have had a poverty mentality when it comes to supporting others in the church. But now God is restoring honour back to His sons and daughters and wants us to honour those around us - both who they are and what they are doing. If God honours what we do and who we are then shouldn't we do the same for each other?

We are entering a dramatic season where people all over the world will be rising up with new initiatives and taking the kingdom for God with new found passion and enthusiasm.

Historically the church has had a "missions" mentality towards these initiatives. By this I mean you go out and pay the price for your passion and support yourself. We had a little joke that used to go round the leadership about how people used to send "used teabags" to the missionaries in olden time.

I feel we still have this "poverty" mentality today when it comes to supporting the pioneers amongst us.

This has filtered through to the people in our churches as well, both in their support for church initiatives and their support of people who have stepped out in their callings and started new businesses, projects and ministries for God.

Many of us are not brave enough to step out ourselves and are happy for others to take the risks as long as it doesn't cost us anything. In New Zealand in particular we have an "exaggerated" trend where we not only fail to support people who step out but we also openly criticise the person when they fail. Our "tall poppy" syndrome is alive and well.

In Gods kingdom things are meant to be different. In the church we are called to "encourage one another daily" and as Tracey puts it this means "pay don't just pray." This means to put our prayers AND OUR RESOURCES behind those who are advancing the kingdom.

Now this may offend some people but really we are comfortable praying for the riches of the unrighteous to bless us and others but few are willing to use our own riches to sow into those around us who are stepping out. The Abrahamic promise is that we will be blessed SO THAT we can be a blessing to the nations.

I believe we have to reassess our giving and attitude to improve our financial support for the church and kingdom projects. We are called to honour the church (His bride) and each other and generosity is a key part of that.

Today I have had coffee with someone wanting to build leadership into the young people of New Zealand. At lunch I spoke with someone with a passion to support young women with health/confidence issues and bring hope and restoration to them.

In my sphere of influence I am actively involved in supporting a project to improve the lives of pre school children with improved access to education, another in Vanuatau improving health and community projects and then another team that is producing a feature film that will bring a positive message about family and fathering to the nation.

There are many great people already stepping out and taking the risks to advance Gods kingdom and we are called to support them.

Now some may say "where God guide He provides" or even if there is no finances then obviously the vision was not from God. I know this can be true but I want to challenge us all to ensure that God is making this decision and not the poverty spirit within us.

The book of Acts also talks about the early church where NO ONE was in need and each person helped out the other. Some sold land to supply the needs of others in the community.

God is challenging us to recapture the heart and community of the early believers. He is also "waking up" the church to GO OUT with the message of the good news of the Kingdom of God. Part of that is to build into the visions and passions of those around us who are stepping out of their comfort zone and going into the marketplace.

I encourage you to pray AND to pay - to give real support to those with great kingdom ideas and not just talk about it.

You can go to for some of the projects I'm supporting or email me at if you have other ideas or questions.

Let's step out and start supporting these kingdom pioneers.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Taking I'm a WorldChanger to the next level

Five weeks to go until my Dreaming with Purpose conference. One of the goals for the conference is to introduce "I'm a WorldChanger" as a ministry and some of the projects we are working with.

Then I feel it will be time to take "I'm a WorldChanger" to the next level - that is, to establish it as a stand alone business/ministry.

So today I've started the business plan which will be submitted to potential investors and donators for the start up capital required.

I want to build something that can provide sustainable support to many projects. Something that is much larger than just myself or Horizon. I say this because for a genuine Kingdom initiative to succeed it must have vision beyond the local church. Horizon is my base, my heart and my family. Horizon gives me the freedom and support to run with our dreams.

But it is wrong to believe that the church should support my or anyones kingdom dreams. It may assist me get going but true kingdom dreams will eventually support themselves - drawing support from both the secular and Christian communities. If I am truly to change the world I must learn to work with it. And not in some begrudging way - I'm looking forward to it. On this journey most of my encouragement has come from secular friends of mine - people in senior positions in the business community. So it is not unrealistic to believe that financial and networking support will also come from there - as well as potential clients.

I'm sorry to have to admit this, but Christians do not have a monopoly on "good deeds" and philanthropy! That may shock some of you but it's true.

So I need to build a business that operates across and into the secular world. I will do that in a way that holds fast to the vision and values God has given me as they will form the core of WHO we are and WHY we will be different.

So today I start writing a business plan.

What will I need to take "I'm a WorldChanger" to the next level?

Pray for me please.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Of Faithfulness and Agreement

I had a revelation last night. You may already know this and I thought I did as well.

Faith without works is dead!

Yes, I know, astounding revelation.

But something hit me about our journey from church focused to Kingdom focused. In our joy of being released into freedom we have lost our faithfulness. Ouch! I can see my inbox filling with complaints already.

But as we have been set free of faithfulness to man (legalism) we have failed to move on to faithfulness to God. I have spent months being healed (and sometimes this is needed) and taken a back seat with some of my gifts and talents but now I'm not sure I was meant to stop being faithful with these during this freedom/kingdom transition.

Faithfulness is an “eternal” truth - it is both old and new testament. It is old covenant and new covenant. There is no way we can escape this truth. We are called to be faithful with what we have.

And works - dirty serving word or outworking of our faith? Legalised serving or the Kingdom advancing! Jesus was “moved by compassion”. We need to get the revelation that we should also be “moved” by compassion resulting in action.

I realised that this is true "agreement" with God. When two or more agree on anything......the scripture says......but I believe that also includes actions and not just words. Now I’m not saying prayer and declaration are not important - these truths have been some of the most powerful revelations in our journey. I am saying that “faith without works” is dead - and so our words and our actions need to agree. We demonstrate our Agreement with God through our actions and words.

In my freedom I agree with God that the lost need to be saved, I declare salvation with my words, I proclaim it over New Zealand and then I share the gospel whenever God opens the door. I’m sure we can all agree with this.

But I also believe in faithfulness at all levels.

We used to serve faithfully for man (legalism). We need to serve faithfully for God, as His sons.

We need to serve faithfully with our gifts and passions - our talents. This is the body of Christ, us, all doing what we have been created to do.

Faithful to God, faithful to the body and faithful to His bride!


For, as we have a number of parts in one body, but all the parts have not the same use, 5 So we, though we are a number of persons, are one body in Christ, and are dependent on one another; 6 And having different qualities by reason of the grace given to us, such as the quality of a prophet, let it be made use of in relation to the measure of our faith; 7 Or the position of a Deacon of the church, let a man give himself to it; or he who has the power of teaching, let him make use of it; 8 He who has the power of comforting, let him do so; he who gives, let him give freely; he who has the power of ruling, let him do it with a serious mind; he who has mercy on others, let it be with joy.

Being set free of control of man and "religion" has not precluded us from being faithful to God and honouring Him through our faithfulness. Using our gifts and talents in the body and in the world - we are His workmanship, created to bear much fruit!

Encourage one another daily.....

Love one another.....

Be generous on every occasion.....

Ian Johnson shared wonderfully on Sunday about the power of agreement between brothers.

I am further inspired to bring my life into agreement with Gods plans and desires for me. I show my agreement by using the talents He has given me to achieve the plans He has prepared for me whilst living in the love and acceptance of a Son displaying the passions within me.

It is His Grace that enables me, not excuses me from serving faithfully.

Freedom reigns! (It does not sit hidden in a box!)

We should not wait to be perfect before we are faithful. God calls us to be faithful (like Moses - using what we have in our hands right now) and faithful with the little (parable of talents).

We don't have to wait until we are righteous enough (we are righteous through Christ Jesus).

We don't have to wait until we are holy either - we are holy through Christs holiness.

And we don't have to wait for permission from anyone - Jesus said "Go and make disciples of all nations, preaching the kingdom...." and that has never changed.

I am challenged to be faithful to God today, using what I have to change the lives of those around me.

I am challenged to be faithful to my family and my church family today.

I am challenged to bring my life into agreement with God no matter what I feel about my circumstances or about others.

Being a good and faithful servant of God is up to me, not to anyone else.

"Daddy I agree with you today about my plans, my future, my promises, my talents, my passions, my finances, my everything.

Help me faithfully administer these for your glory.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The pause between contractions at birth of vision

I've never had a baby myself. No really my wife did it all. But right now I'm reminded of the process as we/I go through a little pause between contractions in the birthing of this vision. I mean, there is heaps on and I'm really busy and all the wheels are in motion on all the great initiatives God has planted in my heart.

But today, right now, there is a lull before the next push. Why do some births have a 22 hour labour and others shoot out and are in pre school before you know it! I don't know - maybe it's Gods way of saying the baby is not quite ready yet, like a cake in the oven - bring it out early and it flops! Open the oven door to look at it too often and you loose the heat and it flops also!

So from babies to baking, vision needs to be prepared with al the ingredients and then left to bake. If the preparation is right the cake will be great and the vision as well!

If you cannot stop opening the oven door of your vision then a) take a holiday or b) start another cake or wash the dishes - anything but stop interfering with the baking process!

Now apply that to your vision:

baking - waiting

and in the right time, Gods time, it's ready to enjoy.

Paul planted, Apollos watered but God made it grow!

And the birthing - my daughter came out real quick! Emergency caesar and out she popped - didn't even give me time to read the paper, massage my wife's back and be a great co-birther!

I think I'm destined to have quick births. Am I talking vision now?

Can feel the push again - here we go!

PS I am not a new father - my daughter has her 11th birthday next month. Birthing was only an analogy, not a curent issue in my life!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Attention: Encouragement needed!

God has really been speaking to me strongly about the "culture" we need to fulfill our personal dreams and assist others to fulfill theirs.

Yesterday I posted a couple of comment on my facebook pages and received two interesting pieces of feedback:

" Comments like these are stirring up deep deep wells. Had the opportunity to go out with Les on his run. We chatted and dreamed and chatted some more and realised that the more you talk about your dreams the hungrier you become to see them fulfilled."

" Yes Kim and with good people like you encouraging us we really should give it a go! I'm running out of excuses. Blessings as you organise the conference."

It is becoming increasingly obvious that it is easy to say "start dreaming" but it is another thing entirely to "enable" people to live their dreams.

I remember talking to Wyn Fountain, a pioneer on this kingdom message in New Zealand, when I first started this journey. He said he had been talking to churches about this for 20 years and ONLY NOW were a few starting to listen. He encouraged me to "push on" with my dreams and that the message God had put in my heart was "cutting edge."

The "transformation" God has Horizon on is even more remarkable given the underlying opposition to change and activities outside the church. I am so blessed to be part of the "re-plant" that God is doing at Horizon.

I am starting to understand Gods timing in this and this is helping me "persevere" through the tough bits. I must admit I struggle sometimes in believing God will "open" the way for my dreams when in my flesh I sometimes only see man in front of me.

But when the BIG PICTURE is taken I can see some of what is taking shape and am encouraged.

If the first season was deconstruction, this season is reconstruction and the final season may be something like "advancement or activation."

We are all on different stages of this journey. Some are ready to advance and others are just starting to be deconstructed.

What is important through this in finding people who can encourage you where ever you are on the journey. And it cannot always be Tim and I. If it is us then we have failed to catch the heart of the kingdom and our responsibilities as brothers and sisters in the same family.

It is the leaders responsibility to create a culture of encouragement and that is what we must start to build into Horizon for the future.

It is you and I who will be doing the encouraging.

Take a moment today to look at those around you. Have you got your encouragers beside you? Are you encouraging others?

Tim spoke last night about surrounding ourselves with people who will speak positively into our lives and keep us "encouraged" to believe in our prophetic words.

I believe developing a culture of encouragement will be vital in us starting to see our dreams become reality. I also believe that we will see more people come with us on the journey when we develop this culture across Horizon.

Heb3:13 says "encourage one another daily...."

Lets ask God today how we can start to build that as we journey together.

Every time I speak with someone who has started to dream, has started to see the exciting possibilities God has ahead of them, they always say the same thing!

Attention: I need encouragement!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

One degree of separation!

I'm still being challenged by the journey we are on, both personally and within my church.

I keep thinking how it was for Moses and then Joshua as they tried to lead the people from captivity into the promised land. Remember we are not just going "to it" we are going "into it" and taking possession "of it" for God.

Why did some come out but not go in? Why did others go in but not take possession? And who started strongly but eventually stopped following God and died in the desert?

How do we help people "get" the Kingdom message and stay with it as it transforms us?

As I look back over our journey I see many who caught a greater revelation than me about the "Good news of the gospel of the Kingdom of God." People read books and studied their bibles and found great freedom and awakening of passions and dreams for God that had been long buried by religious spirits and legalism. The freedom and joy they received was inspiring to us slow learners.

But as I look around today some of those faces are not around or have seemingly lost that sense of freedom and my heart longs for their return. I have not gone past them is revelation, it is not that, but at some point the newly found freedom has been stalled or deviated away from the journey God has us on. I want to help people get back on Gods path as it pains me to see people left behind. I cannot comprehend what went through Moses mind when God said He was going to wipe out the Israelites and start a fresh. His passion and love for his people "swayed" God and He with held His fury.

God help me to speak to hearts and encourage people to get back on the journey.

Two scriptures come to mind and a great message I heard at a leaders training time many years ago.

Gal5:7 You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?

At some point something may have cut in and derailed our journey to freedom. I guess this is the easy one although if it was people should have been able to see it more clearly. What decision took us out of freedom, what comment from a leader brought legalism, what encouragement from a friend brought rebellion or what character flaw emerged once we received a little freedom? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves. What decisions did the Israelites make in the desert after receiving freedom that stopped them from going into the promised land?

Can we look back twelve or eighteen months and see where we were on the Kingdom journey? Are we further or have we backed away?

Is receiving FREEDOM enough (salvation) or should we be moving towards a greater victory (Gods kingdom and our inheritance)?

This is not a "doing" thing but a heart issue. Are we still on the journey or have we settled at some point - some point of revelation or some point of error/hurt?

Who has cut across our path?

The second scripture that comes to mind is the parable of the sower in Mat13. The seed sown is the message of the kingdom. And there are several responses given - the enemy steals it, spiritual immaturity, the temptations of the world vs Gods word and finally the person who hears the word, grasps it and bears fruit.

Where are we on this journey? Has some of the truth we received been stollen? Has our "immaturity" meant that we could not handle the truth or is the price we have to pay become to great for us? I don't know your answer but God is testing me on mine.

I encourage you to take stock of your journey, see "who is/may cut in" on you and steel yourselves against it. Draw closer to God and he (enemy) will flee! As we capture our position as son's and daughters and live in the intimacy, dominion, authority and security of this the journey becomes easier.

Finally, several years ago Ian McKellor spoke at a leadership time on being 1 degree off course from Gods vision. He demonstrated how sometimes a small error can eventually take us totally away from the truth. Initially, we can still see the truth but our path starts to diverge the further/longer we are off course. Eventually we cannot see where we were and have no reference point to know we are off course.

It may only be 1 degree of separation but eventually, if not corrected, it will lead us off Gods path for our lives.

Today I hope that we will take the time to look at our journeys. See where we were 12 -18 months ago when we all "found freedom and joy". And now look at our lives today..

Are we further on the journey or has something "cut across" our path.

I want people to stay in the truth, to stay on course. I want to stay in the truth.

Be ruthless! The price Jesus paid for our freedom is too much for us to "dishonor" through offenses or immaturity. The cost of settling in the desert too great compared to the riches and blessings we will receive through "entering" and "possessing" the promised land - our inheritance!

God is gracious and full of mercy. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. As the prodigal son found out, it does not matter where or why we have strayed, it only matters that we return to the Father's house.

My prayer today is for the prodigals and those who have seen something "cut across" their journey. Today is the day of restoration. Today is the day for Gods family.

Today is the day of returning to the kingdom journey - and the fullness there of!

Today is the day to return to the path laid out before us by God, who orders the steps of the righteous.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Yeah we're here! But where are we?

Had an interesting week.

At a couple of completely different meetings with different people the topic has drifted to a discussion on "where are we at the moment" and "how did we get here", followed by "and are we meant to be here?"

Measuring progress is so much harder when we follow Gods plans.
Goal setting and planning are a lot of fun but sometimes a complete waste of time when God is involved.

Since starting on this seed planting, obedience, let God have His way Kingdom journey there have been several occasions I've asked "are we where God wants us?" As an elder in a church where God is taking us in a new direction it is vital to be at peace about what is happening as Gods will for us unfolds. That is not the same as saying I understand it or/and that I would have done it this way.

But I find myself very much at peace about this journey. Somewhere back on this journey I said "yes" to God and agreed to pay the price to enter His plans and advance His kingdom. I did not know what the cost would be, that it would be so painful and that I would lose some friends along the journey. But honestly I was so sick of "churchianity" and self centered faith that something had to change. I had to change. My family had to change. My relationships with people had to change. My relationship with God had to change!

Seeds of change have been planted in Horizon, in Marketplace Christianity, in I'm a WorldChanager and in Dreaming with Purpose 2011. Seed I planted but God is responsible for growing.

I am here now, where ever HERE is, but I am at peace.

Am I happy or totally satisfied? I'm not sure really. The only way I can describe it is that I have a "holy frustration". I just want more of God and I want Him to speed things up! He probably knows I couldn't handle it at the moment BUT I STILL WANT MORE!

Hunger for change and for God has been a common factor in those who are making this transition successfully. It's been an 18 month journey with 18 months of the prophesied 3 year transition still to go. We have to maintain our humility and hunger for longer.

We have to keep growing - not through our efforts - but through our surrender to God. Paul talks of being transformed "by the renewing of our minds". God renew my mind! And keep renewing it!

If I had a word of wisdom for those on this journey it would be to "keep being hungry and keep seeking change." Gods people should always be pioneers but recent church history has seen many settle far to early.

Some may have settled for the provision of God (the desert) rather than seek the abundance of the promised land.

On this journey, on Horizons journey I felt that many had made the transition across into the promised land, they had entered, but not taken possession it it. We have been set free of the old but not yet taken hold of the new.

We don't want anyone to miss out on the abundance and victory we have when we enter Gods kingdom.

Seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness........

Now is not the time to settle.

Now is not the time to look back.

Now is not the time to stop paying the price.

Now is not the time to say we have received enough revelation, enough glory, enough change.

Now is the time to say YES and MORE and YOUR WILL BE DONE LORD.

Fiona had an amazing vision at last Sunday mornings meeting - she saw God laying a path in front of us of emeralds and rubies. Emeralds represent essence of life, growth, integrity and new life. Rubies represent something of great value, costly glories, wisdom and prized treasure.

I think God is trying to say something! Stay the course!

I don't know where I am.

I'm not sure how we got here.

God did it VERY quickly.

But we seem to be on track.

The prized treasure of the glory of the Kingdom of God lies ahead of us.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dealing with life and death....

There is a funeral at our church today. I'm not very good at funerals.

A few years ago I held my first, and only, funeral for a person in my church in Tauranga. I understood Gods love for Dave and the transformation and joy God had brought into his life were real and tangible. I miss Dave and the insight he had on life once God had captured his heart.

Today we say farewell (for a while) to another man. I did not get the opportunity to get to know him but 200-300 people coming to his funeral today suggests he was a well respected and loved man.

I did get the chance to pray with him a few weeks ago on the last night of the Charlie Robinson conference. I don't know exactly how to explain this but for the first time I REALLY understood the Fathers heart for His children. I stood behind him as we prayed and I wept, uncontrollably for him. It was not the tears of desperation or sadness but those of love. They were not my tears but those of the Father for His child, His son. I couldn't interpret them on the night and did not want to say "God will heal you." It did not feel right to say it. I felt Gods love and appreciation and joy for the man - like a daddy waiting expectantly for his child to come be with him.

I don't understand death. I don't understand why some people are healed and others are not. I don't understand much about God.

But I know He loves us all. I know he cherishes every one of us. I know we will be with Him for eternity - both here on earth and in heaven. That's awesome!

It may not help now as we say goodbye, as we deal with death in our own ways.

But I know the Father love for this man.

He was special to our Father.

We are all special to our Father.

He loves us.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Walking over mountains and through valleys

I'm in a tiny lull between busy times in the various projects I'm working on.

I've found myself reflecting on the passion and energy we have when we are busy and how easy that is relative to the quiet times. It almost seems harder to maintain passion for Gods plans when we are not driving towards some aspect of our dreams.

What does passion look like when we not running around madly doing stuff? Is it reflected in the peace we display whilst we wait for the next forward moment? Is it simply that we CAN "rest" whilst we wait for God to open the next door and don't have to be doing something just to show "everyone" we still are passionate! Is passion found in our speech when we talk of the project and the dream with the same joy and enthusiasm even when we not working on it at the time?

Obviously I believe it's a little bit of each.

We often have the mindset that other people will think we have lost our passion for our dream if we are not busy. To be honest I am quite comfortable that God is okay with this "lull between works" but I'm not sure those around me are. Do you feel pressure from people to be driving your project or passion just to keep others happy? Do you think you will lose their support if you don't give them something to do?

I often wonder if it is really man that puts pressure on us to be active - our friends, our family, our financial backers.........would they still support us if we just "rested" and waited for God to plan and initiate the next step. Because God would not stop backing us if we took a break and rested in Him. He would not get impatient if we stopped driving things and started following Him. He would not move on to a new project if we were waiting for Him to provide the grace for the next step.

Now none of this is happening to me at the moment so I'm not writing from any motive. I was just sitting here thinking about all that could be done and followed up AND YET I feel okay just resting for a few days and trusting that when the time is right I will get up and into it again - but with the grace and newly refreshed perspective that comes from spending time with my Daddy in heaven.

I don't have many dreams whilst I sleep but God has been starting to catch my ear in between the zzzzzzzzzzzz of a deep sleep. Two days ago I clearly remember a dream where someone said to read Jer29:12. I awoke with the words resounding in my thoughts (not forgetting my dreams like I usually do). So I immediately read the scripture: Jer29:12 And ye shall call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.

God was calling me away to spend time with Him, to give Him my thoughts and concerns, my priorities and strategies AND simply lay them at His feet. I have had many prophetic words about "resting my head on the Fathers chest" and "lying down by a quiet river and hearing God" and I'm only just starting to understand the importance of firstly timeout and secondly spending that time in a quiet place with my Father.

I am uncomfortable waiting here for Him. I am not used to it. I want to make some things happen that I know should be done. And yet no matter what I do it is wasted unless God is with me and "in" what I'm doing.

So the follow up can wait until tomorrow. The phone calls can wait until Friday. People may or may not come to my conference but it was Gods idea so I can leave the responsibility of gathering registrations to Him - at least for tonight.

Tonight I will rest again. I'll tell God a few things on my mind and I will try find His rest. I need it. Other things can wait.

My passion has not dwindled but the path to success sometimes goes via a quiet place with the Lord where nothing seems to be happening on the outside but everything is happening on the inside.

Tonight is Pentecost. We have a very important prayer meeting ahead and we are very expectant. Ian Johnson prophesied on Sunday that we should be expectant for what God will do and not be concerned that nothing appeared to be happening around us.

I think that's what a quiet time with God is meant to do.We look on the outside, at our circumstances, at our plans and nothing appears to be progressing - but God says LOOK OUT, He is doing something huge on the inside of us and He is moving mountains, filling valleys, making straight paths in the spiritual that we will soon walk on.

The future is better and easier because God made the way, whilst I was resting with Him.

And i still have my passion.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Been a bit quiet as I take time to see where things are going....

Hi Blogger followers. I've been a bit quiet lately as I'm just taking stock for the season ahead before I commit to anything new. Plenty on the go but needing time and a quiet place to find out What God wants to do next.

And I'm planning a few days off in next couple of weeks to refresh the body.

Back into blogger mode shortly.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Taking a step back today to look at the BIG picture.

So it's been a pretty hectic last few months.

We have launched our Dreaming with Purpose website and conference promotion is now well under way.

I've just returned from a successful trip to Singapore with Jonathan looking at funding and future relationships.

And there has been a heap of little seeds and opportunities springing up all over the place.

So now I need to take time out and assess the big picture. Now I cannot see everything that God is doing but it is important to take stock of things on a regular basis to see WHAT YOU CAN SEE and then bring this before God to see if He's seeing the same thing!

At the same time I need to take some time just for me and my Daddy. Time without Worldchangers or Marketplace Christianity or even Horizon church. I am firstly a son and need this time of intimacy and fun with my Daddy or I will burn out. I'm not speaking negative things over me - I KNOW from experience that I have the capacity to push and push and get things done and then BAM! I'm stuffed and burning out.

What use to God am I in bed sick or tired and depressed because there is so much to do and I'm overwhelmed? There is nothing so vital, nothing so important that I must do, nothing God absolutely needs me to do that is more important than time with the Lord.

So I have to keep an eye on my workload and my family and my health. They will get out of balance "for a period" but this must never be the norm. I am responsible before the Lord for my own health and the well-being of my family first - before my ministry.

So here I am taking stock. I can see several things so much more clearly after my trip to Singapore. Gifts and talents in me bubbled up in joy as we went through the amazing series of meetings God had prepared for us. Skills and techniques long forgotten got the dust shaken off and flexed again. I really enjoyed it.

I believe God is preparing me so I'm ready when the doors open. He is also preparing the hearts of others who will align themselves with what we are doing and co-labour with us on the journey. As people join and support each seed that has been sown then momentum will build and build.

But that is Gods job. He is stirring the hearts of others and I can do nothing. To push people to join would be manipulation. To await people to respond to Gods prompting is the right way.

So I wait. Seeds planted - check! Todays obedience point - check! Stopping myself from rushing forward in the flesh - check! Believing for the impossible and dreaming WAY TOO BIG - check!

Think I'll have a cup of tea, read a book and have a nap. Edens home from school shortly. Have missed her whilst in Singapore so will spend time encouraging her shooting at our netball hoop when she gets home.

Will read Andy Masons book Dream Culture. I had breakfast this morning with Andy and his wife Janine. It was such a privilege to meet with them and share our hearts. They are doing such great things and God is opening so many doors for them. Keep an eye on them as I believe God is/will use them in a big way. Loved his comment "Bethel is not about ministry, but about taking a culture of Gods presence" into the world.

More on them tomorrow, or later this week!

For now - time to spend time with Daddy!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Went to Singapore in search of funds and found friends instead!

So sitting on my plane at the beginning of my 11 hour flight back to New Zealand.
What a God orchestrated 4 days.  There is no other way to describe it.
I came looking for funding for the “Inheritance” movie project and came away with friends.  I discovered a brotherhood and networking group of passionate Christen business people that sometimes left me speechless. I can honestly say I was humbled by the passion for God and the commitment to taking the gospel to the marketplace that these wonderful Singaporean friends displayed.
They were eager to listen to our story, free with encouragement and ready to spread the word to others that may have a passion for what we are doing.
No we did not (at time of writing) come back with a cheque for the film but in all reality it would have been a miracle if we had.  And I feel that God was doing something deeper, something with a wider and longer term focus than what we originally went to Singapore for.
I went to Singapore full of faith for the film and return even more encouraged for a bigger working of God.  I have ideas for other projects.  I have seen a concept that truly inspires me in a way that could change our nation for the better.  And I’ve had offers of potential financial support for “I’m a WorldChanger” outside the contributions that I’m sure we will receive for the film.
Jonathan is staying on for a few days more as more opportunities have opened to meet new connections and go deeper into relationship with others.  God seems to be quickening this process of building trust.  He will be visiting Trinity Church on Sunday, the church that Steven Song came from. Steven provided the inspiration and connections to go to Singapore when, after reading the script, he felt every Singaporean father needed to see this movie.  This is a universal story cutting across many nations.
I had the pleasure of meeting Pastor Danny today before I left.  He is the Executive Pastor there.  They are doing so many great things in Singapore and into the nations and yet still gave us the time and encouragement of listening to our story.
God is good and when His people reflect that then building His Kingdom is such a pleasure.  I have enjoyed this trip.
Thanks to Jonathan and Nick from Creation Films for trusting me with part of this process.  It was a privilege and an honour to co-labour in Singapore with you.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ok God so you really seem to have a handle on things!

So day two in Singapore and God is really starting to show how clever he is - as if we didn't know!

Jonathan is very excited because we are meeting a guy from a major merchant bank - sort of Merrill Lynch but spelt in Singaporese!  So we go up to the meeting room and an elderly, statesman like man joins us - after the customary coffee served by his secretary.

So in he walks - we do the proper thing with his and our businesses cards and sit down to talk about the movie.  Do you mind waiting a few minutes he says, because I've invited a friend who may be interested in what you have to say.  .

In walks another friend who has a huge passion and vision for the fathers in Singapore.

What a wonderful man with a huge passion to improve the family across his nation.  Was a huge privilege to meet with such an humble but inspiring man.

 There is something bubbling away here that God is positioning for the long term.  We can boh feel it.  There is a linking and partnering that goes beyond this movie project.

Then we went to the Full Gospel Mens chapter lunch in one of the city towers.  Another great meeting and a group of men who really demonstrated the value of networking.  After our presentation they are chatting and then start to phone others who may be interested and ask for information to forward on to others.  One is heading off to London tomorrow but promises to let another colleague know the details for tomorrow mornings breakfast meeting.  And he will.  These people have integrity and a purity that is very attractive.  Gives me something to aspire to for the MPC networking we do.  If we can build the enthusiastic generosity and sharing and opening dors these guys have then MPC will be a formidable tool for the Kingdom!

Oh and the merchant banker - he goes and invites Jonathan to dinner at his home on Saturday night with all the leaders of the Full Gospel Business network for Singapore.

More doors, more opportunities, more seem to have a handle on this God so we will just follow your path of open doors until this thing gets done.

I'm a little sad that I have to come home early and miss this weekend.  Jonathan is going to Trinity Church on Sunday (3000 people) and will meet several key business people and a man who runs a foundation investing in Christian projects.  It would be great to be with him but at least I can leave knowing my work with Jonathan is complete - he can handle this on his own because I've taught him all I know.  The jedi apprentice has surpassed the master (or in my case the gray haired guy!).

Seriously we having fun following Gods footsteps.  It would be good if He would give us a cure for jetlag but in the meantime we continue to drink coffee and push on.  With God all things are possible!

We can feel that God is doing something much greater than just releasing funding for the movie "Inheritance" and we don't need to worry.  After all God seems to have a handle on what we need!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Singapore. One day we will look back and laugh!

25th May 2011.

Singapore.  Visiting with Jonathan Warner to discuss funding opportunities for his "Inheritance" movie.  One day we will look back and laugh at what God did.  I mean, how did we end up here!

God is taking me on an amazing journey.  Whatever happens here in terms of funding I know that God is very interested in my journey, in our journeys.  He more interested in the road we travel with Him than the destination!  After all, He already knows, as do we, the final destination.  But how will we travel there? Will it be the path laid out for us by our faithful Daddy in Heaven or a windy, unprepared path through a rocky mountain that eventually gets us there, but only after a struggle?

I am enjoying this moment with God so much I don't really care the outcome.  Now don't get me wrong, I really, really want to see this movie made.  People need to see this movie and receive the Fathers heart for their lives. I am very passionate about this!

But in terms of what God is doing, I could just follow Him around until I die and I would be so happy.  It is just so much fun meeting people, going here and there, helping this person and that, talking about Gods dreams in our hearts and helping people achieve them.  What's not to like about playing with our Daddy in MY PERSONAL sandpit!

The reality is all these projects and ideas are amazing!  "I'm a WorldChanger" is really opening doors and inspiring people to change the lives of others for the better.  And I appreciate the support and growing momentum and favour God is releasing.  There is so much more to do.

But I am actually so "uninvolved" and God is so "involved" that I'm just running along in obedience, releasing faith and favour along the journey, using what I've been given and leaving God to sort out the results.  Because only He can do this!

I mean, I cannot physically convince a group of strangers in Singapore, or New Zealand for that matter, to part with $1,000,000 to get this movie made.  Get real.

And yet here we are. Following a trail started, built and prepared by God.  A stranger moves into the building next to Horizon, comes to introduce himself to us, has lunch, reads Jonathans script, cries and is moved by it, tells us we must take this message to his friends in Singapore, arranges some introductions and meetings, Jonathan calls some NCMI guys and more meetings are made, he invites me as the token "grey haired fella", we go, more meetings arranged.........possibilities.......

And here we are. One day into it.  Building relationships.  Talking the Kingdom.  Discussing taking the Kingdom into business, the marketplace, taking the seven mountains for God.  Discussing the Fathers heart for families, for fathers, for sons and daughters - and making a movie about it.

God has brought amazing acting talent to the movie, sovereign provision of talent, some of the best in New Zealand.  And marketing opportunities galore from this talent.  There is a great story to tell even from how God is bringing the actors and production staff together.  One day Jonathan will write a section for my book about that piece.

So whatever your dreams - if they are from God then I implore you to take the first step.  To obey is better than sacrifice - I believe that at this time more than ever it is better to "obey" God in your dream or passion than to do almost anything else!

Now is the time of the Lords favour. Now!  So start to move with the passion in your heart.  If it is giving then give, serving then serve, dreaming then dream - do it all  for God.  Do it all WITH God.  It is no longer important what you do for God (what you sacrifice) but it is important what you do WITH God!  Time with Him, playing in your personal sandpit, doing the things you LOVE, co-labouring with God because He made you for this day, for this idea or passion or dream - and He delights to do it with you.

Three more meetings tomorrow.  Should be fun.  Oh and I'm sorry if my joy at doing this upsets anyone.  Galavanting all over the world.  Flying in planes.  Leaving my family behind.  Stop judging and may the poverty spirit come out of you in Jesus name!  If you celebrated the journey God has me and others on, those that are going with their passions, and if you started your journey you might find God taking you further and higher than me.

And I pray He does!  I really do!  I just get excited to see people get on and enjoy their God and run with the passions God has put in their hearts.

Come on people.  Lets change the world. Take the first step!

Over a year ago I had a meal with Jonathan to talk about being yoked with unbelievers.  And today I'm sitting in a coffee bar in Singapore raising funds for a feature movie - executive producer!

Where will you be in 12 months?

It depends on you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gods marketing planning process.......

Had a very interesting Marketplace Christianity breakfast meeting last Saturday.

I asked Jonathan Warner to give a preview of the "Inheritance" movie he is making and then split the people into groups and asked them to come up with ideas for a marketing plan for raising funds for the movie.

First moral of the story is you cannot write a marketing plan over coffee in 30 minutes!

One key that came through was how easy it is for people to become "hung up" on details of the product they are marketing - rather than the marketing itself.  We have to learn to separate ourselves from the "emotion" of the product (we think its the best in the world) and look at the requirements of the message and the audience.  It doesn't matter how much we know about our product if we cannot translate that into knowing who our target market is and what information they need in order to "purchase" our product.

So after a bit of encouraging to stay focused the groups came up with some good ideas - from "exclusive corporate dinners" to "in film" product placements.

What was interesting was the final question - How does God fit into this?

I have found that the more ideas and talent God gives us the better we think we are!

I am a great believer in "God given talents" in the marketplace.  It is scriptural and obvious!  God is better and more wise and has more expertise than we have!  So acknowledging that is one of the key requirements before His full potential in us can be realised.

Chatted to a guy this week who told me how he always used to get ideas and concepts drop into his head.  It was only after he gave his life to Jesus that he realised WHERE those thoughts came from.

So God is deeply and thoroughly involved and interested in our marketing and business plans - whether you acknowledge Him and draw upon Him is up to you.

So you can guess from my previous comments that the answers to my question were varied!  They stretched from fatalistic "God will do it" to the opposite of "If I succeed then God is revealed through me."  Interestingly, I believe God is more interested in our "journey" with Him than our success.

The other thoughts that came up were:
God is involved in our timing,
in the people we work with,
in the peace we feel about our decisions,
in helping us differentiate between a good idea and a God idea,
and God is great at giving guidance on priorities,
and bringing sovereign networking and resources to us.

If we will just make room and opportunity for Him to speak during the process.

There is much more on this but if we start with the FACT that God is involved in HOW he made us and WHERE he wants us to go then our marketing plans for the GREAT AND AWESOME business ideas we have on our hearts are more likely to succeed.  God is not just an unpaid advisor on our boards - He is involved in every task and role and person in our workplace - so it make sense to allow Him to move if we want to be successful.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Feeling very humbled today.

I'm feeling very humbled today.  This past week has been a crazy, wild ride with God and huge fun.  Doors are continuing to be opened to meet great kingdom minded people who are doing such great work in the marketplace.

But yesterday someone came forward at church and gave me an offering for "I'm a WorldChanger" saying they wanted to sow into the ministry and join the team.

Now for some of you on twitter and those with established ministries you have this happening everyday and probably receive huge offerings on a regular basis.  But I'm just at the start of this journey so to me it was just humbling.  God has given me a huge vision for the future but today its just an idea - and someone sowed into it.

Thank you Lord for small beginnings - I am cherishing this one.

On this journey there are many opportunities to ull back or give up.  Increasingly there is "perceived opposition" and silly politicking from people who cannot see the big "kingdom" picture but hold to small church mindedness.

God has spoken strongly to me, through what He is doing at our church, to remain focused solely on His Kingdom and His righteousness and to let Him deal with the details.  At the same time I understand that "the sheep know their shepherds voice."  I made a decision very early on in this process to work with those people who chose to work with me - where ever they come from, whatever their church or business.  If we hear eachothers voice then we can work together.

And equally if they do not chose to work with me then I feel to bless them and let them do their own thing.   What God is doing through Marketplace Christianity and I'm a WorldChanger is for the kingdom - it is not about me.  I am just enjoying the journey and allowing Him to guide my steps.

So I'm just sitting here humbled and looking with anticipation for what God will do next.

Thanks to the faithful few who continue to come and support MPC breakfasts - and to the new ones joining each time. Thanks to Jonathan for seeing something in what God was doing and allowing me to co-labour with you and Nick on your amazing film project.  Thanks to Tim Stevenson for letting me run with a dream.  And to Trevor for being at every meeting and helping with the admin.

There are many others and I hope you will all find a place and environment that encourages you to fulfill your dreams ad passions.

Thank you Lord for the message of the Kingdom - that brings life and purpose.

Thank you Lord for the seed of one supporter to encourage me to push on.  You always know what I need.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I've had the most amazing week in the Kingdom!

Been a while since posting here as been so absorbed with the final pieces of my "Dreaming with Purpose" conference and driving things through FB and other social media.

But wow this week has been awesome.  When I look back in a few months I think this week will standout as the week things really started to happen,  We have felt at Horizon that this has been the month of Breakthrough and it has been for so many.  But on Friday as Tim and I were praying for the meeting where the Prime Minister John Key was holding at Horizon, I really felt that things were moving from Breakthrough to Breakout!  The barrier, ceiling or blockage had been broken and now God favour and blessing and power and authority were breaking into our situations.

And that's what this week has been about. Let me explain.

On Tuesday I went to have lunch with Trent from Liberty Church in Avondale to get to know him and to see if he would support the conference.  I had heard about him but only connected with him at the Patricia King pastors lunch a few weeks earlier.  Well it was like we'd known each other for years - great bloke and a great heart for Gods Kingdom.  Said he would support it and wanted to keep in contact.  He mentioned some guy from Bethel Church coming over in a few weeks to do something similar but it clashed with my Singapore trip.

Then the next day I'm about to send out some invites and I receive an email from Douglas Vause at Pt Chevalier Baptist - so I phone and arrange a meeting for the next day.  Turns out he is a fore runner of marketplace Christianity and is keen to work with me.  Oh and by the way is head of Vision NZ, a large network of churches throughout New Zealand and he is going to promote the conference through it!

Can it get better? Well Yes, of course, God is doing something and I'm like just paddling fast to keep myself on the front of His wave!

So straight after seeing Douglas I head into town to catch up with Tim Symons of Elim.  He is doing amazing stuff and huge doors of influence seem to be opening for him.  He has been amazingly supportive of me and a huge blessing.  "Send me 4 posters" he says and he's ready to send out invites through his established business network.  Oh and he will have a chat to Josh at Life Church just in case.

Make a quick follow up call to Rick at Life Church in Hamilton to follow up.  Don't get to speak to him but find out later he must have read it and referred me to "someone" special.

Then Ian Johnson sends me a list of potential churches he works with - 26 of them!  So I faithfully email each one, finishing late Thursday night well after my wife has gone to bed.

Friday morning get three immediate responses from the emails.  One wants to meet and the others both want to promote my conference through their National Full Gospel Conference in two weeks time - please send 20 posters!

So overall I started the week with about 10 churches and end it with over 100 throughout New Zealand!

But wait, there's more!

I get up early this morning to go set up and prepare for my Marketplace Christianity breakfast meeting in Botany.  Finish setting up and sit down with laptop and latte bowl (is there any other way to drink a latte!) and open my emails.

First email -

Hi Kim
A friend from Hamilton referred me to your website. My wife and I are from Hastings but have been in California for the last three years. We started Dream Culture - a movement to help people discover purpose and put legs on their dreams ( We will be in NZ at the end of the month and I'd love to send you one of our books. What is your mailing address?
Favour and grace on your journey,
Andy Mason

Wow, wow and wow!  This guys from Bethel Church in Reading - Bills church!  And he's well into everything I'm building here!  Everything God has placed on my heart is reflected in Andy's website.  And get this - he's the guy Trent said I should meet and the guy it seems Rick from Life Church referred on!


So now in two weeks time, after my Singapore trip (an amazing testimony of Gods goodness as well) I will be having coffee with Andy of Bethel Church.  It is now beyond words.

Oh and in passing did I mention I shook the Prime Ministers John Key's hand on friday when he came for a meeting at Horizon?

Such an amazing week! So many awesome people I've met and shared my heart with.  This journey is just out of this world crazy stuff!

In November last year Jeff Jansen was in Horizon and one of his friends Terry stayed with my wife and I during the conference.  On his last day Terry prophesied that in 6 months there would be a major breakthrough in my life.   That 6 months happens next week!  After this week how could next week be better?  But with God all things are possible!  God is able to do exceedingly more than we can ask for or imagine!

So why not expect more - why not expect break through and breakout this week?

After all, I've just had an amazing week in Gods kingdom this week!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Something Huge is about to happen!

Just cannot get out of my head that something huge is about to happen.

Everything I've been reading, hearing (prophetically) and feeling speaks of a "birthing" of things that we have been waiting for.  In my own quiet time I felt God say it's time to intercede for my promises - it is not the time to sit and wait patiently (passively) but it is time to step out, to declare Gods promises and "call them" into being.

Peter Christiansen prophesied over me 18 months ago that Kingdom Finances would be released into my hands - hands that would spread these finances into kingdom ventures.  I have come across so many people with great kingdom ideas and I so much feel Gods plans all over them - and NOW is the time of the Lords favour!

Shaun Boltz, in his book "The Throne Room Company" describes a revelation God gave him that when God plants the seed of an idea in a persons heart God then immediately places the resources in heaven ready for the right timing to be released.

That time is NOW! I feel to intercede for the finances and favour that will see these projects go ahead.

Now Lord, stretch forth your hand and perform signs and wonders!

We ready to advance your kingdom.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Creation day for my Dreaming with Purpose promo DVD

Sitting here at Creation Films working with the team on my promo for the conference and just in wonder at Gods blessing!

I mean how did I get to this place?  Nick is in Christchurch recording a professional voiceover. Matt is in the office next to me doing the creative media to go with it. Jonathan is sponsoring this work for me. How did I suddenly become surrounded by such talented people and why are they helping me?

God is bringing together like minded people to advance His Kingdom.  That's the key.  My vision is no greater than anyone else's.  My popularity is not so great that people are banging at the door trying to assist me on what I'm doing, far from it.  But resources and people are coming together, from different church flows and even the unsaved, as God orders the steps.

When we get the courage to look outside our churches, get secure enough to stop protecting what we have and start looking for what we COULD HAVE when we co-labour with God then there is no end to the possibilities.  Nothing is impossible with God!

But you have to be courageous to let go, to operate outside the controls and protectionism of our churches.

At Horizon church, God tapped our lead pastor Tim Stevenson on the shoulder and politely asked "do you mind if I build my church!"  It is His church and He promises to build it - not us, not our preaching and programs - it's actually God that does the building.

So what are we supposed to do?  We meant to find our passions and start releasing, start advancing God kingdom into our spheres of influence.  The are many big words and descriptions of this - spheres of influence, the 7 mountains - but they all boil down to our inheritance.  We are sons and daughters of God and we have an inheritance NOW on the earth that we are meant to be taking and enjoying!

It's funny that when you take away the focus on church most Christians (including leadership) would be left dumbfounded and without a job. Why?  Because our purpose is not to build and maintain the church but to build and advance Gods kingdom! It's time we started that journey!

We are the church - not the building or the organised meetings!  We need the church to equip, heal, release us and for our "family" but the real church, the one Jesus launched is out there in the world!  Everywhere we place our feet is where Gods kingdom should be!

So back to my little conference.  It's not the greatest idea in the world, but for me it is because God planted it in my heart and told me to do it.  These amazing guys supporting me could be doing heaps of better things but God has placed a kingdom heart in them so that we find ourselves working together.  Across church boundaries, across age differences, across faith levels - but with one heart, one mind and one God!

I love this kingdom journey!  I love meeting with and working with Kingdom hearted people!  I love my God who intended that it should be this way.

Monday, April 11, 2011

God is stretching me to have more faith.

Woke up this morning and really feeling the "stretching" of my faith to go even further with God.

There are so many new things going on in the church and I'm a WorldChanger and Marketplace Christianity and they all require more faith than I have ever had!

A huge transition in Horizon is continuing and I need faith to allow God to keep changing things and restoring things.  It is so tempting in the flesh to go "stop" I want to get off!  But I know I cannot say "stop" as this journey is just SO EXCITING!  I just cannot go back to the old.

Then my "I'm a WorldChanger" initiatives are starting to gain some traction.  Jonathan and Nick's project to make a feature film showing the Fathers heart has just taken off in terms of "possibilities" and is requiring some serious input.   Jonathan's off to Singapore next month to explore some new open doors there.  And the talent being looked at for the actors is outstanding!

And my Dreaming with Purpose conference is now being promoted.  Still pulling together promotional material for the churches we are partnering with but already have a good commitment from Horizon people.

All of this excites me!  All of this scares me!

I don't have the faith or skills to get any of this done BUT GOD is saying keep on track and trust Him.

The further I go on this Kingdom journey the more my faith is tested.  I'm closer to God and yet need to be even closer.  That is the KEY!

Even if I tried to work 24 hours a day and received help from the best people I just cannot do this.

And so I find myself trying to do the one thing I can do - spend more time with God and seek Him.  It is so hard to let go the doing to enjoy the Being with God but there is no other way.

It is perhaps the biggest mindset change required through this Kingdom journey.  That to make progress we need to spend more time with God and less working for Him.  My business mind doesn't like this.  My "action" mentality doesn't like it.  But it is Gods way.

Unless my faith grows I will never take the risks to see the impossible happen!  I will always stay in the boat and achieve the "possible" if I don't know the power and person of who is calling me to step out.

Walking on water comes by faith in the one that calls us.  God is calling me closer to Him so that through my relationship with Him my faith will increase.

I would love to see all the exciting things I'm involved in succeed.  But more importantly I would love to know my Father in heaven more closely.  From that relationship and intimacy anything is possible!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Always look for fruit!

Some of you may know that God has been taking Horizon on an amazing journey of transformation and renewal.

Along the way (and into the future) there have been many scary situations and unknowns where as a leadership team we have been uncertain of the way we should go.

We have not wanted to make a mess of things but equally , and more importantly for us, we do not want to miss out on God!

So we have truly taken our hand off the steering wheel and let God direct our steps.  We have "tried" some things we felt right and allowed some ministries we were uncertain of - and then assessed the fruit of it all.

I have to say 20/20 hindsight is very assuring!

But honestly, do we really understand what God is doing or what the Holy Spirit can do?  And understand it enough to filter everything in the church through "our" understanding?

I know I don't!

So fruit is an important sign.  Even if the teaching appeared sound - what was the fruit?  Equally if my "flesh" squirmed a bit with the "style" of ministry, can I discount it if God shows up and there is lasting fruit.

I'm starting to find this when talking to people about their future, their issues.

What is the fruit in their lives?  They may have the strongest convictions about an action or opinion, but if there is no fruit or bad fruit then they are just wrong.

I have seen so many lives changed in the past 12-18 months that I cannot ignore what and how God is moving.  Life, joy, a passion for God, attendance and generosity improving because people are meeting God - encountering Him in our meetings and in their homes.

Our Lead Pastor, Tim, is a great teacher and inspirational man of God.  Even he would admit that it's much better when God turns up!  There is more fruit.

So my thought for the day is to look at the fruit of what is happening.  Look at the fruit in peoples lives more than what is coming out of their mouths.

God said a good tree can only produce good fruit - and by our fruit we will be known.

If there is Godly fruit in what you are doing - keep going.

If there is no fruit or bad fruit for goodness sake CUT DOWN THE TREE!

A little "Godly pruning" now will reap a great harvest in the future.

But do you want good fruit or are you satisfied with what you have now?

How hungry are you to SEE Godly fruit in your lives.......

Monday, April 4, 2011

Great day with Gods men today.

Morning coffee with a friend chatting about life's challenges

followed by a business planning chat and viewing premises where another visionary wants to start a business

then meet a new network connection helping Christians at university transition into the marketplace

and finally another new connection focusing on getting salvation's from men in business through quality testimonies from REAL men.

If you open your eyes you will see many great people taking Gods kingdom out into the marketplace.

There is still time for you!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The latter rain is falling in the marketplace

Had a prophetic word at Horizon last night that the latter rain was falling in the church.

Several months ago Ian Johnson shared that there were two types of rain that fell in the promised land - that enabled it to be so fruitful.

Firstly a softer, gentle rainfall that softened the ground and prepared it for the latter rain which was heavy and actually produced the great crops and harvest.

I believe this is a useful principle and prophetic word for what God is doing around the world through His people in the marketplace.

God is raising up sons and daughters all over the world, across denominations and styles of churches, who are going out into the workplace, the community and nations to bring change.  They are releasing the Kingdom of God into their spheres of influence and becoming the salt and light that God intended his disciples to be.

We are to light up the world, not just the church!

But just as there are two rains that fall in the natural there are two "spiritual" rains that need to fall on the body of Christ (the church) in order that it is capable of bearing fruit and producing a good harvest.

In my own life it is manifesting in two distinct seasons - a planting season and reaping season.

Now I'm not at the second season yet and that is helping me to understand the importance of Gods timing in the process of bearing fruit in our lives.

The "first" rain has definitely fallen.  I have planted seeds in obedience to Gods prompting.  All around me there are signs of a softening of the ground.  New contacts are being made with like-minded people across the Christian spectrum.  People are coming forward to offer assistance in my projects.  The changes in our church as we move on this Kingdom journey are starting to shift from deconstruction (breaking the old man made ways) to a season of reconstruction and restoration where God is putting in what will be needed for the future.

In this we are seeing an increasing focus on the "world" outside the church.  It's as if we have been hidden by God whilst He rebuilds us but now He is getting us focused on taking His kingdom to the world.

And so as a person with a passion for the marketplace, outside the church, I am sensing a shift towards fruitfulness.  God has prepared the ground in our ministry.  He is strengthening it through relationships and making the base much stronger than it was on my own.

And with the sense that the "latter rains" are about to fall I feel more confident in the plans God has placed on my heart.

Honestly, I can do nothing more.  It is in His hands.  But with the promise that God will bring to birth that which He plants, I feel expectant and excited for the seeds that have been planted.

Soon, as Gods favour and blessing are released through the "latter rain" of His spirit and power, I'm expectant to see fruit from my projects (and much fruit) because God is in this.  He is pouring out His rain that will water the initiatives and plans and ideas He placed in peoples hearts.

To those that have planted seeds.  To those that have allowed the "first rain" to soften the ground and prepare the way.  To those a fruitful time lies ahead!

God, let it rain!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

What is your real future?

Had a lovely chat last night with a great friend of mine.  Just catching up and discussing how they are going. They have a good job, not one that specifically inspires them, but safe and secure and pays the bills.  They have even had an offer of a promotion and some training for the next season.  Sounds exciting.

So many of the discussions I have with people are about work issues.  Do I stay, do I move on, my boss hates me, I'm bored......!  Under the church age I used to tell them to harden up a bit and do a good job until God closes the door.  Too many people run from the first bit of difficulty or challenge in their workplace.  The issue is often not their work but an "attitude" God is working on!  I can tell you now that the "issue" did not go away when the person moved to the next job!

So I'm chatting and my friend says they have a passion to work in a church and/but they also feel they have influence and calling in the marketplace.  Now this is not a normal problem to have.  Generally we feel called to full time ministry in a church OR we never even consider it and see Gods work as just visiting church on Sundays.

With an increasing Kingdom understanding I can see that the dilemma of church ministry and marketplace influence is actually a good problem to have.  My friend is actually on the right journey and God is challenging them with pertinent questions about their future.

Rather than provide an immediate answer (because I don't know it anyway!) we've agreed to pray more specifically about the next step and also continue discussions about options. What is birthed as flesh produces flesh so we want Gods plan through prayer and waiting on Him.

I guess what I'm seeing a bit more of as we progress on this Kingdom journey is people starting to question their lives and jobs around biblical issues rather than worldly comfort.  This is exciting!  I spoke to another couple a few weeks ago who felt the call to move to Auckland and were looking for a church FIRST and then would buy a house near the church!  Wow I haven't heard that sort of God focused decision making for many years.

Unfortunately it's not yet a flood but I can sense a change in the air.  As people capture the Kingdom heart their priorities change.

God is challenging people to reassess their lives.  Are we counting in Gods Kingdom or comfortable in our own kingdom?

I'm excited about the church when people look to Gods plans in their lives to set their direction.  When its not about money but influence.  When its not about comfort but calling.  When its not about role but motive.

What is your future?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dreaming with Purpose conference website live tomorrow!

Alfred Ngaro.  One of my outstanding platform speakers for the Dreaming with Purpose Conference on 13 August.

Alfred has an outstanding testimony of success at helping change the culture and performance of organisations through Kingdom principles.

Was responsible for the "It's not OK" family violence TV campaign - convincing a government department to change its focus!

And running a "fathering" program for The Warehouse that won the Supreme Award at the 2010 EEO awards.

Alfred will inspire you to believe that no company or organisation is too big for a person with a dream or vision from God.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sounds like a truly excellent venture whose time has come!

Not blowing my own trumpet but sharing some encouragement from a complete stranger about my Dreaming with Purpose conference!

Came from Brendan Malone, my newest confirmed speaker.  We have never met.  I saw him on TV1 Breakfast news being interviewed and was impressed by some of the comments he was making about how Christchurch people became empowered to help each other.

So I googled him!

Then I cheekily found him on face book, asked him to be a friend and sent him a message.

He graciously accepted and I told him about my conference.

His response was:

Hi Kim,

Yes I did see your email, and after thinking and praying about it I am more than happy to make myself available to help out.

Sounds like a truly excellent venture whose time has come!

Brendan Malone

I think I'm going to like hanging out with Brendan!

You will too if you join me, with my other awesome speakers, at Dreaming with Purpose 2011.

Saturday 13 August, Horizon Church, 9 Mono Place, Ellerslie, Auckland.

A website will be up shortly allowing you to register and confirm your seat.

Come be part of this "truly excellent venture whose time has come!"

And thanks Brendan for the great one liner - I couldn't have said it better myself.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Speaking the truth in love is tough!

God is really testing me in this area at the moment with people.

I'm chatting to people with issues about others - offenses and the like - and whilst I know Gods plan is restoration and love I'm trying to understand the process people go through to get set free and restore the relationship.

I know you will all have views and scriptures to back up what you think but I just want to comment on two things: The ultimate desire of God and the timing of dealing with issues.

There is no doubt that God is love and this is the ultimate result.  If you think you can keep bad attitudes and offenses then you welcome to your own opinion but you are wrong!

Someone once said you cannot genuinely love God if you don't love His people!

So Gods desire is always for love, for restoration, for unity.  Where there is unity God commands the blessing - God cannot help himself but pour out His blessing when people come together in unity - when they sort out their stuff and love one another.

When should we address our differences.  We used to have a joke at our church that you had to forgive someone in 30 seconds!  Sounds bold but even that is not totally correct if you think "Why" do we get offended in the first place? Do we have the right to get offended at all?

I'm really being challenged by the timing of sorting things out.  If I rush in and confront my offenses immediately often I am operating in the flesh and just make a hash of it!

Equally I've seen people wait around for too long and a bitter root grows in them.  Then it is very hard to bring restoration.

If the true biblical way is (1) go to God with the offense and (2) only go to the person if God doesn't set it right and then (3) take an elder or someone in authority if 1 & 2 don't work then:

God will sort out most of the issues - as most of them are our "responses" rather than a genuine offense anyway! Allow the peace of God to work in your hearts (mine as well) as God is a lot better at sorting out our hearts than we are.  I've seen personally God sort through many of my issues so that I don't have to go and make a fool of myself!

But there must be peace.  If there is no peace it may be better to address it in love with the person.  One friend of mine recently had a problem with someone and I told him to go to that person directly.  I even said that the person might not even know there is an offense!  I've found more than often our offenses are really "one person" offenses where we have had our feathers ruffled but the other person has no idea there is a problem!  He went, he spoke, and yes the other person had no idea!  They had a good laugh about it and freedom was released!

If I could close on something vital.  The scripture says speak the truth in love!  Somewhere in this scripture is a vital key.  When the Motive is love, when the Manner is love, when the Model (Jesus) is love and when the Moment is dictated by love (not flesh or frustration) then restoration can take place.

Don't rush in the flesh and make a fool of yourself.  Don't wait until a bitter root has grown.

Wait upon God and see if He fixes your heart first. Tell Him you want this sorted because you don't want a division between you and your brother.

Speak the truth in Love, to God first!  And if He says so go build unity with your brother.

God is blessing unity and family and togetherness in the church as He pours out His power and glory.

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's church Jim but not as you know it!

Playing around a bit with the classic take off of Captain James Kirk in the song "It's life Jim but not as we know it!"

I've just finished 5 days of church. What!  Yes five days hanging out with hundreds of people crying out to meet their God.

Not to hear teaching about Him, not to sing worship about Him, but to meet Him in person!

And we did!  Crazy as it may seem God is real.  He's not a story in a book, He's certainly not been replaced by pastors and popes, he's not dead as every other religion believes - but He is alive and responding to the hunger of people all over the world.

Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled!  And we were.

I feel like I've been rebuilt from the inside out.

And if five days of screaming out to God, children dancing, men jumping, women singing and general chaos sounds a little mad to you then I'll have some more of that!

God is looking for a people who will say "whatever it takes God, I'm there! Whatever you want God I'll do it!"  Never mind my reputation, I want Gods reputation high and lifted up!

So after five days with Jason Hooper, Dave Fitzgerald and my Horizon family - plus numerous visitors it s back to everyday life again.

NO WAY!  God is in me!  God is changing the world!  The Kingdom of heaven is at hand!

This is church people!  But not as you know it.......

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Planting seeds requires patience!

Just thinking this morning as I supped my first latte of the day.  God has challenged me to plant several seeds in the past six months and now I'm in a holding position as God prepares them for germination.

I can see the possibilities.  I can even see what I could do to get some momentum and get some results.  I have the vision. But it would take 10 of me to achieve it and I'm not certain which one to start on.

So I wait.  Patiently.

You may think I should push on and make something happen and I'll admit the thought has crossed my mind several times.

But what is God saying?

We had a great conference this week at Horizon Church, with Dave Fitzgerald leading worship and Jason Hooper ministering amazingly.  Hundreds of people from all over Auckland and some from out of town were blessed.  I am responsible for the organisation of these city events and they are having great impact.

So do I stop blessing the city so I can focus on my dreams?

God has a much better view of things than me.  Especially when it comes to timing.

I don't feel called to leave my leadership role in the church for these new seeds.  What God is doing through my church "right now" is blessing and effecting cities and the nation.  God is "birthing" something new. I feel called to be part of that.

And still God called me to plant the seeds.

Marketplace Christianity.  I'm a Worldchanger.  Dreaming with Purpose conference.  My first book.

One other picture I had very early in this journey was of a sort of "co-operative" or "consultancy" of like minded business people working together under the same roof and co-labouring on projects.

My vision is so much bigger than I can achieve on my own.  It will take the efforts and skills of many people, both in New Zealand and overseas.

Maybe God told me to plant the seeds so that I could tell people about them.

Maybe God is planting the same seeds in the hearts of others who will one day come and partner with me on these great Kingdom adventures.

Meanwhile, I wait.  Patiently.

God is in control, not me.

I think that's okay!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Give people permission to care for one another....

So inspired today listening to Brendon Malone from Christchurch who organised the Rangiora Express airlifting food via helicopters to people in need in early days of Christchurch disaster.

He made a profound statement that my spirit so witnessed with.  He basically said that during the disaster  people were just looking for permission to help others.  When they realised that they could then so many great people just started helping others.

God has already given us permission to help others, in fact it was a commissioning to GO, and Help and Love and disciple the nations.

To many of us have become submissive to man, to our circumstances and are no longer following our passions and callings.

Today, God is giving us all permission to love and care for others.  Our family, our friends, our neighbours and complete strangers!

Today, be free to love one another - to Go - to take the first step.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My website is now up and running!  Version one but have a look and share this with your friends.  Have a great day!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Being challenged by immediate needs versus long term planning

With the Japanese earthquake fresh in our minds, I find myself torn in terms of my work priorities as to which project/issue to focus on today.

There is always an immediate need somewhere to address but how do I set my priorities.

Japan?  Do I get involved there?

Christchurch?  Is there still needs to be meet for people in Christchurch?

And what about planning for the future like funding for "Inheritance" the movie or the Vanuatu project?

I could help them all in some way but how do I set what is most effective for me and my expertise? And what does God want me to be involved in?

I have always been a big believer in three key "Godly" prompts or indicators.

Firstly, am I already heading in a direction God set for me?  If I'm at peace and God is blessing me in a particular direction i would be silly to change that just due to circumstances.  I would end up like the biblical boat in the storm - being tossed every way - double minded , unless i had a clear general direction from God to keep me focused.

So if you not already on some journey with God you may find yourself torn between one need and the next on a daily basis.  We not meant to be like that.  Find Gods bigger plan and keep that as your priority until God tells you otherwise.

Secondly, and I've already alluded to it in point one, is "peace."  God is the God of peace so anything that causes anxiety is definitely not from God.  If I've got peace then I will run with something.  If I'm feeling anxious or even fearful I won't get involved.

Thirdly, and this can be done simultaneously to the others, is my "pushing doors" philosophy.  If I'm sensing something or feeling God wants me to do something I generally go ahead and push the door.  If it opens I carry on.  I have learnt through mistakes that I can "force" the door open so I am extra vigilant with new ideas and opportunities to make sure that God is making the way and not my business skills and determination.  Remember, what is born of the flesh only produces flesh!

So, Japan, very involved emotionally and will pray for them and keep an eye out for opportunities in the future.

But  no change to my current priorities.

I'm continuing to support Christchurch and ask you all to make an extra effort to see this through.  The mayor of Christchurch, Bob Parker, said on TV1 this morning that please don't forget Christchurch because the financial and physical support was still so vital.  Lives are still broken and need rebuilding.  SoI'm still raising money for this:

If you have not yet made a contribution to any fund for Christchurch, think about putting $50 into this one.

Secondly, I continue to work on supporting the team making the feature film "Inheritance."  Why bother with this when there are people in trouble in Christchurch and Japan.  Because there is a long term plan and life will get back to normal.  And unfortunately when it does return to normality we will still have child abuse, we will still have dysfunctional families, we will still have family violence!  "Inheritance" is a film that deals with family values, communication, relationships, suffering and restoration.  It is something I want to sow in to the next generation of New Zealanders!