Brief Overview

"I'm a WorldChanger" is a new initiative that aims to link businesses with great kingdom projects around the world. Providing tailor made sponsorship solutions we can design opportunities for companies and individuals to give financially and of your time and expertise. You CAN change the lives of others!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Taking a step back today to look at the BIG picture.

So it's been a pretty hectic last few months.

We have launched our Dreaming with Purpose website and conference promotion is now well under way.

I've just returned from a successful trip to Singapore with Jonathan looking at funding and future relationships.

And there has been a heap of little seeds and opportunities springing up all over the place.

So now I need to take time out and assess the big picture. Now I cannot see everything that God is doing but it is important to take stock of things on a regular basis to see WHAT YOU CAN SEE and then bring this before God to see if He's seeing the same thing!

At the same time I need to take some time just for me and my Daddy. Time without Worldchangers or Marketplace Christianity or even Horizon church. I am firstly a son and need this time of intimacy and fun with my Daddy or I will burn out. I'm not speaking negative things over me - I KNOW from experience that I have the capacity to push and push and get things done and then BAM! I'm stuffed and burning out.

What use to God am I in bed sick or tired and depressed because there is so much to do and I'm overwhelmed? There is nothing so vital, nothing so important that I must do, nothing God absolutely needs me to do that is more important than time with the Lord.

So I have to keep an eye on my workload and my family and my health. They will get out of balance "for a period" but this must never be the norm. I am responsible before the Lord for my own health and the well-being of my family first - before my ministry.

So here I am taking stock. I can see several things so much more clearly after my trip to Singapore. Gifts and talents in me bubbled up in joy as we went through the amazing series of meetings God had prepared for us. Skills and techniques long forgotten got the dust shaken off and flexed again. I really enjoyed it.

I believe God is preparing me so I'm ready when the doors open. He is also preparing the hearts of others who will align themselves with what we are doing and co-labour with us on the journey. As people join and support each seed that has been sown then momentum will build and build.

But that is Gods job. He is stirring the hearts of others and I can do nothing. To push people to join would be manipulation. To await people to respond to Gods prompting is the right way.

So I wait. Seeds planted - check! Todays obedience point - check! Stopping myself from rushing forward in the flesh - check! Believing for the impossible and dreaming WAY TOO BIG - check!

Think I'll have a cup of tea, read a book and have a nap. Edens home from school shortly. Have missed her whilst in Singapore so will spend time encouraging her shooting at our netball hoop when she gets home.

Will read Andy Masons book Dream Culture. I had breakfast this morning with Andy and his wife Janine. It was such a privilege to meet with them and share our hearts. They are doing such great things and God is opening so many doors for them. Keep an eye on them as I believe God is/will use them in a big way. Loved his comment "Bethel is not about ministry, but about taking a culture of Gods presence" into the world.

More on them tomorrow, or later this week!

For now - time to spend time with Daddy!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Went to Singapore in search of funds and found friends instead!

So sitting on my plane at the beginning of my 11 hour flight back to New Zealand.
What a God orchestrated 4 days.  There is no other way to describe it.
I came looking for funding for the “Inheritance” movie project and came away with friends.  I discovered a brotherhood and networking group of passionate Christen business people that sometimes left me speechless. I can honestly say I was humbled by the passion for God and the commitment to taking the gospel to the marketplace that these wonderful Singaporean friends displayed.
They were eager to listen to our story, free with encouragement and ready to spread the word to others that may have a passion for what we are doing.
No we did not (at time of writing) come back with a cheque for the film but in all reality it would have been a miracle if we had.  And I feel that God was doing something deeper, something with a wider and longer term focus than what we originally went to Singapore for.
I went to Singapore full of faith for the film and return even more encouraged for a bigger working of God.  I have ideas for other projects.  I have seen a concept that truly inspires me in a way that could change our nation for the better.  And I’ve had offers of potential financial support for “I’m a WorldChanger” outside the contributions that I’m sure we will receive for the film.
Jonathan is staying on for a few days more as more opportunities have opened to meet new connections and go deeper into relationship with others.  God seems to be quickening this process of building trust.  He will be visiting Trinity Church on Sunday, the church that Steven Song came from. Steven provided the inspiration and connections to go to Singapore when, after reading the script, he felt every Singaporean father needed to see this movie.  This is a universal story cutting across many nations.
I had the pleasure of meeting Pastor Danny today before I left.  He is the Executive Pastor there.  They are doing so many great things in Singapore and into the nations and yet still gave us the time and encouragement of listening to our story.
God is good and when His people reflect that then building His Kingdom is such a pleasure.  I have enjoyed this trip.
Thanks to Jonathan and Nick from Creation Films for trusting me with part of this process.  It was a privilege and an honour to co-labour in Singapore with you.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ok God so you really seem to have a handle on things!

So day two in Singapore and God is really starting to show how clever he is - as if we didn't know!

Jonathan is very excited because we are meeting a guy from a major merchant bank - sort of Merrill Lynch but spelt in Singaporese!  So we go up to the meeting room and an elderly, statesman like man joins us - after the customary coffee served by his secretary.

So in he walks - we do the proper thing with his and our businesses cards and sit down to talk about the movie.  Do you mind waiting a few minutes he says, because I've invited a friend who may be interested in what you have to say.  .

In walks another friend who has a huge passion and vision for the fathers in Singapore.

What a wonderful man with a huge passion to improve the family across his nation.  Was a huge privilege to meet with such an humble but inspiring man.

 There is something bubbling away here that God is positioning for the long term.  We can boh feel it.  There is a linking and partnering that goes beyond this movie project.

Then we went to the Full Gospel Mens chapter lunch in one of the city towers.  Another great meeting and a group of men who really demonstrated the value of networking.  After our presentation they are chatting and then start to phone others who may be interested and ask for information to forward on to others.  One is heading off to London tomorrow but promises to let another colleague know the details for tomorrow mornings breakfast meeting.  And he will.  These people have integrity and a purity that is very attractive.  Gives me something to aspire to for the MPC networking we do.  If we can build the enthusiastic generosity and sharing and opening dors these guys have then MPC will be a formidable tool for the Kingdom!

Oh and the merchant banker - he goes and invites Jonathan to dinner at his home on Saturday night with all the leaders of the Full Gospel Business network for Singapore.

More doors, more opportunities, more seem to have a handle on this God so we will just follow your path of open doors until this thing gets done.

I'm a little sad that I have to come home early and miss this weekend.  Jonathan is going to Trinity Church on Sunday (3000 people) and will meet several key business people and a man who runs a foundation investing in Christian projects.  It would be great to be with him but at least I can leave knowing my work with Jonathan is complete - he can handle this on his own because I've taught him all I know.  The jedi apprentice has surpassed the master (or in my case the gray haired guy!).

Seriously we having fun following Gods footsteps.  It would be good if He would give us a cure for jetlag but in the meantime we continue to drink coffee and push on.  With God all things are possible!

We can feel that God is doing something much greater than just releasing funding for the movie "Inheritance" and we don't need to worry.  After all God seems to have a handle on what we need!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Singapore. One day we will look back and laugh!

25th May 2011.

Singapore.  Visiting with Jonathan Warner to discuss funding opportunities for his "Inheritance" movie.  One day we will look back and laugh at what God did.  I mean, how did we end up here!

God is taking me on an amazing journey.  Whatever happens here in terms of funding I know that God is very interested in my journey, in our journeys.  He more interested in the road we travel with Him than the destination!  After all, He already knows, as do we, the final destination.  But how will we travel there? Will it be the path laid out for us by our faithful Daddy in Heaven or a windy, unprepared path through a rocky mountain that eventually gets us there, but only after a struggle?

I am enjoying this moment with God so much I don't really care the outcome.  Now don't get me wrong, I really, really want to see this movie made.  People need to see this movie and receive the Fathers heart for their lives. I am very passionate about this!

But in terms of what God is doing, I could just follow Him around until I die and I would be so happy.  It is just so much fun meeting people, going here and there, helping this person and that, talking about Gods dreams in our hearts and helping people achieve them.  What's not to like about playing with our Daddy in MY PERSONAL sandpit!

The reality is all these projects and ideas are amazing!  "I'm a WorldChanger" is really opening doors and inspiring people to change the lives of others for the better.  And I appreciate the support and growing momentum and favour God is releasing.  There is so much more to do.

But I am actually so "uninvolved" and God is so "involved" that I'm just running along in obedience, releasing faith and favour along the journey, using what I've been given and leaving God to sort out the results.  Because only He can do this!

I mean, I cannot physically convince a group of strangers in Singapore, or New Zealand for that matter, to part with $1,000,000 to get this movie made.  Get real.

And yet here we are. Following a trail started, built and prepared by God.  A stranger moves into the building next to Horizon, comes to introduce himself to us, has lunch, reads Jonathans script, cries and is moved by it, tells us we must take this message to his friends in Singapore, arranges some introductions and meetings, Jonathan calls some NCMI guys and more meetings are made, he invites me as the token "grey haired fella", we go, more meetings arranged.........possibilities.......

And here we are. One day into it.  Building relationships.  Talking the Kingdom.  Discussing taking the Kingdom into business, the marketplace, taking the seven mountains for God.  Discussing the Fathers heart for families, for fathers, for sons and daughters - and making a movie about it.

God has brought amazing acting talent to the movie, sovereign provision of talent, some of the best in New Zealand.  And marketing opportunities galore from this talent.  There is a great story to tell even from how God is bringing the actors and production staff together.  One day Jonathan will write a section for my book about that piece.

So whatever your dreams - if they are from God then I implore you to take the first step.  To obey is better than sacrifice - I believe that at this time more than ever it is better to "obey" God in your dream or passion than to do almost anything else!

Now is the time of the Lords favour. Now!  So start to move with the passion in your heart.  If it is giving then give, serving then serve, dreaming then dream - do it all  for God.  Do it all WITH God.  It is no longer important what you do for God (what you sacrifice) but it is important what you do WITH God!  Time with Him, playing in your personal sandpit, doing the things you LOVE, co-labouring with God because He made you for this day, for this idea or passion or dream - and He delights to do it with you.

Three more meetings tomorrow.  Should be fun.  Oh and I'm sorry if my joy at doing this upsets anyone.  Galavanting all over the world.  Flying in planes.  Leaving my family behind.  Stop judging and may the poverty spirit come out of you in Jesus name!  If you celebrated the journey God has me and others on, those that are going with their passions, and if you started your journey you might find God taking you further and higher than me.

And I pray He does!  I really do!  I just get excited to see people get on and enjoy their God and run with the passions God has put in their hearts.

Come on people.  Lets change the world. Take the first step!

Over a year ago I had a meal with Jonathan to talk about being yoked with unbelievers.  And today I'm sitting in a coffee bar in Singapore raising funds for a feature movie - executive producer!

Where will you be in 12 months?

It depends on you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gods marketing planning process.......

Had a very interesting Marketplace Christianity breakfast meeting last Saturday.

I asked Jonathan Warner to give a preview of the "Inheritance" movie he is making and then split the people into groups and asked them to come up with ideas for a marketing plan for raising funds for the movie.

First moral of the story is you cannot write a marketing plan over coffee in 30 minutes!

One key that came through was how easy it is for people to become "hung up" on details of the product they are marketing - rather than the marketing itself.  We have to learn to separate ourselves from the "emotion" of the product (we think its the best in the world) and look at the requirements of the message and the audience.  It doesn't matter how much we know about our product if we cannot translate that into knowing who our target market is and what information they need in order to "purchase" our product.

So after a bit of encouraging to stay focused the groups came up with some good ideas - from "exclusive corporate dinners" to "in film" product placements.

What was interesting was the final question - How does God fit into this?

I have found that the more ideas and talent God gives us the better we think we are!

I am a great believer in "God given talents" in the marketplace.  It is scriptural and obvious!  God is better and more wise and has more expertise than we have!  So acknowledging that is one of the key requirements before His full potential in us can be realised.

Chatted to a guy this week who told me how he always used to get ideas and concepts drop into his head.  It was only after he gave his life to Jesus that he realised WHERE those thoughts came from.

So God is deeply and thoroughly involved and interested in our marketing and business plans - whether you acknowledge Him and draw upon Him is up to you.

So you can guess from my previous comments that the answers to my question were varied!  They stretched from fatalistic "God will do it" to the opposite of "If I succeed then God is revealed through me."  Interestingly, I believe God is more interested in our "journey" with Him than our success.

The other thoughts that came up were:
God is involved in our timing,
in the people we work with,
in the peace we feel about our decisions,
in helping us differentiate between a good idea and a God idea,
and God is great at giving guidance on priorities,
and bringing sovereign networking and resources to us.

If we will just make room and opportunity for Him to speak during the process.

There is much more on this but if we start with the FACT that God is involved in HOW he made us and WHERE he wants us to go then our marketing plans for the GREAT AND AWESOME business ideas we have on our hearts are more likely to succeed.  God is not just an unpaid advisor on our boards - He is involved in every task and role and person in our workplace - so it make sense to allow Him to move if we want to be successful.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Feeling very humbled today.

I'm feeling very humbled today.  This past week has been a crazy, wild ride with God and huge fun.  Doors are continuing to be opened to meet great kingdom minded people who are doing such great work in the marketplace.

But yesterday someone came forward at church and gave me an offering for "I'm a WorldChanger" saying they wanted to sow into the ministry and join the team.

Now for some of you on twitter and those with established ministries you have this happening everyday and probably receive huge offerings on a regular basis.  But I'm just at the start of this journey so to me it was just humbling.  God has given me a huge vision for the future but today its just an idea - and someone sowed into it.

Thank you Lord for small beginnings - I am cherishing this one.

On this journey there are many opportunities to ull back or give up.  Increasingly there is "perceived opposition" and silly politicking from people who cannot see the big "kingdom" picture but hold to small church mindedness.

God has spoken strongly to me, through what He is doing at our church, to remain focused solely on His Kingdom and His righteousness and to let Him deal with the details.  At the same time I understand that "the sheep know their shepherds voice."  I made a decision very early on in this process to work with those people who chose to work with me - where ever they come from, whatever their church or business.  If we hear eachothers voice then we can work together.

And equally if they do not chose to work with me then I feel to bless them and let them do their own thing.   What God is doing through Marketplace Christianity and I'm a WorldChanger is for the kingdom - it is not about me.  I am just enjoying the journey and allowing Him to guide my steps.

So I'm just sitting here humbled and looking with anticipation for what God will do next.

Thanks to the faithful few who continue to come and support MPC breakfasts - and to the new ones joining each time. Thanks to Jonathan for seeing something in what God was doing and allowing me to co-labour with you and Nick on your amazing film project.  Thanks to Tim Stevenson for letting me run with a dream.  And to Trevor for being at every meeting and helping with the admin.

There are many others and I hope you will all find a place and environment that encourages you to fulfill your dreams ad passions.

Thank you Lord for the message of the Kingdom - that brings life and purpose.

Thank you Lord for the seed of one supporter to encourage me to push on.  You always know what I need.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I've had the most amazing week in the Kingdom!

Been a while since posting here as been so absorbed with the final pieces of my "Dreaming with Purpose" conference and driving things through FB and other social media.

But wow this week has been awesome.  When I look back in a few months I think this week will standout as the week things really started to happen,  We have felt at Horizon that this has been the month of Breakthrough and it has been for so many.  But on Friday as Tim and I were praying for the meeting where the Prime Minister John Key was holding at Horizon, I really felt that things were moving from Breakthrough to Breakout!  The barrier, ceiling or blockage had been broken and now God favour and blessing and power and authority were breaking into our situations.

And that's what this week has been about. Let me explain.

On Tuesday I went to have lunch with Trent from Liberty Church in Avondale to get to know him and to see if he would support the conference.  I had heard about him but only connected with him at the Patricia King pastors lunch a few weeks earlier.  Well it was like we'd known each other for years - great bloke and a great heart for Gods Kingdom.  Said he would support it and wanted to keep in contact.  He mentioned some guy from Bethel Church coming over in a few weeks to do something similar but it clashed with my Singapore trip.

Then the next day I'm about to send out some invites and I receive an email from Douglas Vause at Pt Chevalier Baptist - so I phone and arrange a meeting for the next day.  Turns out he is a fore runner of marketplace Christianity and is keen to work with me.  Oh and by the way is head of Vision NZ, a large network of churches throughout New Zealand and he is going to promote the conference through it!

Can it get better? Well Yes, of course, God is doing something and I'm like just paddling fast to keep myself on the front of His wave!

So straight after seeing Douglas I head into town to catch up with Tim Symons of Elim.  He is doing amazing stuff and huge doors of influence seem to be opening for him.  He has been amazingly supportive of me and a huge blessing.  "Send me 4 posters" he says and he's ready to send out invites through his established business network.  Oh and he will have a chat to Josh at Life Church just in case.

Make a quick follow up call to Rick at Life Church in Hamilton to follow up.  Don't get to speak to him but find out later he must have read it and referred me to "someone" special.

Then Ian Johnson sends me a list of potential churches he works with - 26 of them!  So I faithfully email each one, finishing late Thursday night well after my wife has gone to bed.

Friday morning get three immediate responses from the emails.  One wants to meet and the others both want to promote my conference through their National Full Gospel Conference in two weeks time - please send 20 posters!

So overall I started the week with about 10 churches and end it with over 100 throughout New Zealand!

But wait, there's more!

I get up early this morning to go set up and prepare for my Marketplace Christianity breakfast meeting in Botany.  Finish setting up and sit down with laptop and latte bowl (is there any other way to drink a latte!) and open my emails.

First email -

Hi Kim
A friend from Hamilton referred me to your website. My wife and I are from Hastings but have been in California for the last three years. We started Dream Culture - a movement to help people discover purpose and put legs on their dreams ( We will be in NZ at the end of the month and I'd love to send you one of our books. What is your mailing address?
Favour and grace on your journey,
Andy Mason

Wow, wow and wow!  This guys from Bethel Church in Reading - Bills church!  And he's well into everything I'm building here!  Everything God has placed on my heart is reflected in Andy's website.  And get this - he's the guy Trent said I should meet and the guy it seems Rick from Life Church referred on!


So now in two weeks time, after my Singapore trip (an amazing testimony of Gods goodness as well) I will be having coffee with Andy of Bethel Church.  It is now beyond words.

Oh and in passing did I mention I shook the Prime Ministers John Key's hand on friday when he came for a meeting at Horizon?

Such an amazing week! So many awesome people I've met and shared my heart with.  This journey is just out of this world crazy stuff!

In November last year Jeff Jansen was in Horizon and one of his friends Terry stayed with my wife and I during the conference.  On his last day Terry prophesied that in 6 months there would be a major breakthrough in my life.   That 6 months happens next week!  After this week how could next week be better?  But with God all things are possible!  God is able to do exceedingly more than we can ask for or imagine!

So why not expect more - why not expect break through and breakout this week?

After all, I've just had an amazing week in Gods kingdom this week!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Something Huge is about to happen!

Just cannot get out of my head that something huge is about to happen.

Everything I've been reading, hearing (prophetically) and feeling speaks of a "birthing" of things that we have been waiting for.  In my own quiet time I felt God say it's time to intercede for my promises - it is not the time to sit and wait patiently (passively) but it is time to step out, to declare Gods promises and "call them" into being.

Peter Christiansen prophesied over me 18 months ago that Kingdom Finances would be released into my hands - hands that would spread these finances into kingdom ventures.  I have come across so many people with great kingdom ideas and I so much feel Gods plans all over them - and NOW is the time of the Lords favour!

Shaun Boltz, in his book "The Throne Room Company" describes a revelation God gave him that when God plants the seed of an idea in a persons heart God then immediately places the resources in heaven ready for the right timing to be released.

That time is NOW! I feel to intercede for the finances and favour that will see these projects go ahead.

Now Lord, stretch forth your hand and perform signs and wonders!

We ready to advance your kingdom.