Brief Overview

"I'm a WorldChanger" is a new initiative that aims to link businesses with great kingdom projects around the world. Providing tailor made sponsorship solutions we can design opportunities for companies and individuals to give financially and of your time and expertise. You CAN change the lives of others!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

What is your real future?

Had a lovely chat last night with a great friend of mine.  Just catching up and discussing how they are going. They have a good job, not one that specifically inspires them, but safe and secure and pays the bills.  They have even had an offer of a promotion and some training for the next season.  Sounds exciting.

So many of the discussions I have with people are about work issues.  Do I stay, do I move on, my boss hates me, I'm bored......!  Under the church age I used to tell them to harden up a bit and do a good job until God closes the door.  Too many people run from the first bit of difficulty or challenge in their workplace.  The issue is often not their work but an "attitude" God is working on!  I can tell you now that the "issue" did not go away when the person moved to the next job!

So I'm chatting and my friend says they have a passion to work in a church and/but they also feel they have influence and calling in the marketplace.  Now this is not a normal problem to have.  Generally we feel called to full time ministry in a church OR we never even consider it and see Gods work as just visiting church on Sundays.

With an increasing Kingdom understanding I can see that the dilemma of church ministry and marketplace influence is actually a good problem to have.  My friend is actually on the right journey and God is challenging them with pertinent questions about their future.

Rather than provide an immediate answer (because I don't know it anyway!) we've agreed to pray more specifically about the next step and also continue discussions about options. What is birthed as flesh produces flesh so we want Gods plan through prayer and waiting on Him.

I guess what I'm seeing a bit more of as we progress on this Kingdom journey is people starting to question their lives and jobs around biblical issues rather than worldly comfort.  This is exciting!  I spoke to another couple a few weeks ago who felt the call to move to Auckland and were looking for a church FIRST and then would buy a house near the church!  Wow I haven't heard that sort of God focused decision making for many years.

Unfortunately it's not yet a flood but I can sense a change in the air.  As people capture the Kingdom heart their priorities change.

God is challenging people to reassess their lives.  Are we counting in Gods Kingdom or comfortable in our own kingdom?

I'm excited about the church when people look to Gods plans in their lives to set their direction.  When its not about money but influence.  When its not about comfort but calling.  When its not about role but motive.

What is your future?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dreaming with Purpose conference website live tomorrow!

Alfred Ngaro.  One of my outstanding platform speakers for the Dreaming with Purpose Conference on 13 August.

Alfred has an outstanding testimony of success at helping change the culture and performance of organisations through Kingdom principles.

Was responsible for the "It's not OK" family violence TV campaign - convincing a government department to change its focus!

And running a "fathering" program for The Warehouse that won the Supreme Award at the 2010 EEO awards.

Alfred will inspire you to believe that no company or organisation is too big for a person with a dream or vision from God.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sounds like a truly excellent venture whose time has come!

Not blowing my own trumpet but sharing some encouragement from a complete stranger about my Dreaming with Purpose conference!

Came from Brendan Malone, my newest confirmed speaker.  We have never met.  I saw him on TV1 Breakfast news being interviewed and was impressed by some of the comments he was making about how Christchurch people became empowered to help each other.

So I googled him!

Then I cheekily found him on face book, asked him to be a friend and sent him a message.

He graciously accepted and I told him about my conference.

His response was:

Hi Kim,

Yes I did see your email, and after thinking and praying about it I am more than happy to make myself available to help out.

Sounds like a truly excellent venture whose time has come!

Brendan Malone

I think I'm going to like hanging out with Brendan!

You will too if you join me, with my other awesome speakers, at Dreaming with Purpose 2011.

Saturday 13 August, Horizon Church, 9 Mono Place, Ellerslie, Auckland.

A website will be up shortly allowing you to register and confirm your seat.

Come be part of this "truly excellent venture whose time has come!"

And thanks Brendan for the great one liner - I couldn't have said it better myself.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Speaking the truth in love is tough!

God is really testing me in this area at the moment with people.

I'm chatting to people with issues about others - offenses and the like - and whilst I know Gods plan is restoration and love I'm trying to understand the process people go through to get set free and restore the relationship.

I know you will all have views and scriptures to back up what you think but I just want to comment on two things: The ultimate desire of God and the timing of dealing with issues.

There is no doubt that God is love and this is the ultimate result.  If you think you can keep bad attitudes and offenses then you welcome to your own opinion but you are wrong!

Someone once said you cannot genuinely love God if you don't love His people!

So Gods desire is always for love, for restoration, for unity.  Where there is unity God commands the blessing - God cannot help himself but pour out His blessing when people come together in unity - when they sort out their stuff and love one another.

When should we address our differences.  We used to have a joke at our church that you had to forgive someone in 30 seconds!  Sounds bold but even that is not totally correct if you think "Why" do we get offended in the first place? Do we have the right to get offended at all?

I'm really being challenged by the timing of sorting things out.  If I rush in and confront my offenses immediately often I am operating in the flesh and just make a hash of it!

Equally I've seen people wait around for too long and a bitter root grows in them.  Then it is very hard to bring restoration.

If the true biblical way is (1) go to God with the offense and (2) only go to the person if God doesn't set it right and then (3) take an elder or someone in authority if 1 & 2 don't work then:

God will sort out most of the issues - as most of them are our "responses" rather than a genuine offense anyway! Allow the peace of God to work in your hearts (mine as well) as God is a lot better at sorting out our hearts than we are.  I've seen personally God sort through many of my issues so that I don't have to go and make a fool of myself!

But there must be peace.  If there is no peace it may be better to address it in love with the person.  One friend of mine recently had a problem with someone and I told him to go to that person directly.  I even said that the person might not even know there is an offense!  I've found more than often our offenses are really "one person" offenses where we have had our feathers ruffled but the other person has no idea there is a problem!  He went, he spoke, and yes the other person had no idea!  They had a good laugh about it and freedom was released!

If I could close on something vital.  The scripture says speak the truth in love!  Somewhere in this scripture is a vital key.  When the Motive is love, when the Manner is love, when the Model (Jesus) is love and when the Moment is dictated by love (not flesh or frustration) then restoration can take place.

Don't rush in the flesh and make a fool of yourself.  Don't wait until a bitter root has grown.

Wait upon God and see if He fixes your heart first. Tell Him you want this sorted because you don't want a division between you and your brother.

Speak the truth in Love, to God first!  And if He says so go build unity with your brother.

God is blessing unity and family and togetherness in the church as He pours out His power and glory.

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's church Jim but not as you know it!

Playing around a bit with the classic take off of Captain James Kirk in the song "It's life Jim but not as we know it!"

I've just finished 5 days of church. What!  Yes five days hanging out with hundreds of people crying out to meet their God.

Not to hear teaching about Him, not to sing worship about Him, but to meet Him in person!

And we did!  Crazy as it may seem God is real.  He's not a story in a book, He's certainly not been replaced by pastors and popes, he's not dead as every other religion believes - but He is alive and responding to the hunger of people all over the world.

Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled!  And we were.

I feel like I've been rebuilt from the inside out.

And if five days of screaming out to God, children dancing, men jumping, women singing and general chaos sounds a little mad to you then I'll have some more of that!

God is looking for a people who will say "whatever it takes God, I'm there! Whatever you want God I'll do it!"  Never mind my reputation, I want Gods reputation high and lifted up!

So after five days with Jason Hooper, Dave Fitzgerald and my Horizon family - plus numerous visitors it s back to everyday life again.

NO WAY!  God is in me!  God is changing the world!  The Kingdom of heaven is at hand!

This is church people!  But not as you know it.......

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Planting seeds requires patience!

Just thinking this morning as I supped my first latte of the day.  God has challenged me to plant several seeds in the past six months and now I'm in a holding position as God prepares them for germination.

I can see the possibilities.  I can even see what I could do to get some momentum and get some results.  I have the vision. But it would take 10 of me to achieve it and I'm not certain which one to start on.

So I wait.  Patiently.

You may think I should push on and make something happen and I'll admit the thought has crossed my mind several times.

But what is God saying?

We had a great conference this week at Horizon Church, with Dave Fitzgerald leading worship and Jason Hooper ministering amazingly.  Hundreds of people from all over Auckland and some from out of town were blessed.  I am responsible for the organisation of these city events and they are having great impact.

So do I stop blessing the city so I can focus on my dreams?

God has a much better view of things than me.  Especially when it comes to timing.

I don't feel called to leave my leadership role in the church for these new seeds.  What God is doing through my church "right now" is blessing and effecting cities and the nation.  God is "birthing" something new. I feel called to be part of that.

And still God called me to plant the seeds.

Marketplace Christianity.  I'm a Worldchanger.  Dreaming with Purpose conference.  My first book.

One other picture I had very early in this journey was of a sort of "co-operative" or "consultancy" of like minded business people working together under the same roof and co-labouring on projects.

My vision is so much bigger than I can achieve on my own.  It will take the efforts and skills of many people, both in New Zealand and overseas.

Maybe God told me to plant the seeds so that I could tell people about them.

Maybe God is planting the same seeds in the hearts of others who will one day come and partner with me on these great Kingdom adventures.

Meanwhile, I wait.  Patiently.

God is in control, not me.

I think that's okay!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Give people permission to care for one another....

So inspired today listening to Brendon Malone from Christchurch who organised the Rangiora Express airlifting food via helicopters to people in need in early days of Christchurch disaster.

He made a profound statement that my spirit so witnessed with.  He basically said that during the disaster  people were just looking for permission to help others.  When they realised that they could then so many great people just started helping others.

God has already given us permission to help others, in fact it was a commissioning to GO, and Help and Love and disciple the nations.

To many of us have become submissive to man, to our circumstances and are no longer following our passions and callings.

Today, God is giving us all permission to love and care for others.  Our family, our friends, our neighbours and complete strangers!

Today, be free to love one another - to Go - to take the first step.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My website is now up and running!  Version one but have a look and share this with your friends.  Have a great day!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Being challenged by immediate needs versus long term planning

With the Japanese earthquake fresh in our minds, I find myself torn in terms of my work priorities as to which project/issue to focus on today.

There is always an immediate need somewhere to address but how do I set my priorities.

Japan?  Do I get involved there?

Christchurch?  Is there still needs to be meet for people in Christchurch?

And what about planning for the future like funding for "Inheritance" the movie or the Vanuatu project?

I could help them all in some way but how do I set what is most effective for me and my expertise? And what does God want me to be involved in?

I have always been a big believer in three key "Godly" prompts or indicators.

Firstly, am I already heading in a direction God set for me?  If I'm at peace and God is blessing me in a particular direction i would be silly to change that just due to circumstances.  I would end up like the biblical boat in the storm - being tossed every way - double minded , unless i had a clear general direction from God to keep me focused.

So if you not already on some journey with God you may find yourself torn between one need and the next on a daily basis.  We not meant to be like that.  Find Gods bigger plan and keep that as your priority until God tells you otherwise.

Secondly, and I've already alluded to it in point one, is "peace."  God is the God of peace so anything that causes anxiety is definitely not from God.  If I've got peace then I will run with something.  If I'm feeling anxious or even fearful I won't get involved.

Thirdly, and this can be done simultaneously to the others, is my "pushing doors" philosophy.  If I'm sensing something or feeling God wants me to do something I generally go ahead and push the door.  If it opens I carry on.  I have learnt through mistakes that I can "force" the door open so I am extra vigilant with new ideas and opportunities to make sure that God is making the way and not my business skills and determination.  Remember, what is born of the flesh only produces flesh!

So, Japan, very involved emotionally and will pray for them and keep an eye out for opportunities in the future.

But  no change to my current priorities.

I'm continuing to support Christchurch and ask you all to make an extra effort to see this through.  The mayor of Christchurch, Bob Parker, said on TV1 this morning that please don't forget Christchurch because the financial and physical support was still so vital.  Lives are still broken and need rebuilding.  SoI'm still raising money for this:

If you have not yet made a contribution to any fund for Christchurch, think about putting $50 into this one.

Secondly, I continue to work on supporting the team making the feature film "Inheritance."  Why bother with this when there are people in trouble in Christchurch and Japan.  Because there is a long term plan and life will get back to normal.  And unfortunately when it does return to normality we will still have child abuse, we will still have dysfunctional families, we will still have family violence!  "Inheritance" is a film that deals with family values, communication, relationships, suffering and restoration.  It is something I want to sow in to the next generation of New Zealanders!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Amazing two days spent with World Changing business people....

I am just so inspired today.  My last two days have been full, busy, even hectic but Oh so much fun!  Paul Bolte again - so inspired by Bartercards efforts to support Christchurch.  Alfred Ngaro - in the depths of politics but retaining his sense of humour!  Tim Symons - supporting so many great projects (helped launch a TV program on SHINE TV about business people in the marketplace.  Martien Kelderman, busy changing the culture of churches and bringing life where people are struggling.  And Jonathan Warner - working with him on a funding application for "Inheritance" so we can hire some extra staff to assist on the development of creative for the movie.

I am humbled in the presence of such men influencing our nation!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dirty politics - can it be different?

Woke up this morning a bit peeved with New Zealand politics and politicians.

At a time when we need unity and encouragement the most it doesn't take long for a crisis to reveal the true hearts of our politicians.  So Jerry Brownlee says most of the heritage building sin Christchurch will have to come down for safety reasons.  Phil Goff attacks the statement as inaccurate and tries to make political gain.

Now I'm not sure what all the issues are in relation to tearing down or strengthening old buildings - and neither do Jerry or Phil - but the small mindedness of political nit picking is disrespectful to the many hurting and broken families in Christchurch and throughout New Zealand.

Phil get a life!

But there is more to this from a biblical point of view.  Dr Lance Wallnau promotes the Seven Mountain Principle - where Christians should rise to the top of the major "influencer" mountains of society, which obviously includes politics.

Now I'm not convinced that this is a valid strategy as a specific focus i.e. lets join forces and make sure a Christian becomes Prime Minister - there are too many failed efforts at this to suggest this is not a good strategy.  Jesus didn't come to overthrow the Roman government but to point to its replacement by a spiritual, heavenly government which we as believers would release.

But God has given each one of us has a calling and a passion.  What if your is in politics.  Ah, now there is a way to make a difference.  God has called us to be salt and light in our spheres of influence.  We don't have to dominate them, but we are commissioned to change them!

This is valid and in fact is our responsibility to bring Gods kingdom into our workplaces.

So this morning I want to encourage those with a calling in politics to rise up and run with your passion. As fellow Christians we should support you in your passion - but where it is from God!

We are called to transform politics, not to be transformed by it!  If we get into politics "in the flesh" because we just want to change things then we will eventually be seduced by it.  Remember "everything born of the flesh gives birth to flesh (Jn3:6) but everything born of the spirit is spirit."

But if we enter politics inspired, lead and empowered by the Spirit, by Gods calling and passion, then we are able to make a difference.

My prayer this morning is: God rise up spirit filled Christians to transform the government of New Zealand, whichever party is in power.  You are the ultimate power and authority - release that God through your people!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Confirming speakers for Dreaming with Purpose Conference 13 August

Quite a busy week ahead meeting with all my speakers for the conference in August.  Started receiving bios and will be putting together promotional material ad a website over the next two weeks.  THen the real journey begins as I start to promote it.

I'll be looking for support from you all to send this out via your networks and see if cannot raise some support from our connections.

I'm really excited about what God will do during the conference and I want to share that with as many people as possible.

I'm doing my part, God will certainly do his and I'm praying for some assistance from some of you.  Contact me if you think you can help with this.



Thursday, March 3, 2011

Do people really care about people in Christchurch?

I must admit I'm in a dilemma this morning.  I'm not sure if I'm ecstatic about the support being shown for Christchurch or embarrassed by it.  Now please hear my heart everyone who is actively involved in supporting the relief effort in Christchurch is simply amazing.  Right now I send out my blessings and respect to you all - you are doing something so special and loving it is awesome!

But I'm just not so sure about who is getting involved and who is not.  If I was to put out a survey now through my Facebook or put an add in the newspaper asking for feedback on who is actively involved in the Christchurch relief effort, what would the response be?

Is everyone in New Zealand giving money or sending food or involved in any one of the amazing charitable projects out there supporting Christchurch.  There are so many creative ways people are doing to raise support.  Surely there is something for everyone.

But we cannot know who is supporting and who is not.  Is it 10% of New Zealanders or 50%?

On TV One news this morning the reporter said that although the media publicity was huge about this event, many people were still not getting the message about what to do.

What we can do is make sure each one of us is doing our bit to help.

I'm making today "National Ask around the Office Day!"

Why not ask your boss if you can make a quick announcement or go round the office asking if everyone is aware of the opportunities to support the Christchurch relief effort.  If you know of some worthy causes then promote them today.

If nothing comes to mind then at least ask people to contribute to this relief fund:

The proceeds will be shared between the Salvation Army fund and the Mayoral fund.

Make today the day you take some action in your workplace to get everyone involved in supporting Christchurch.

And have an awesome day.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm not a fan of fatalistic Christianity in Business....

I was talking with some business guys yesterday about having a vision/dream from God for a business and we got talking about "timing" of the vision.  How do we know when to move ahead with a vision from God and commit to it?  Many people would say pray and ask God - which of course is vital, but many Christians pray and wait until they die without having made any progress on their God given vision/passion.

Now I'm a "action" type of guy so sitting around and waiting is not my strength.  But rushing on with the project trying to make the vision happen is equally unwise.

I'm a door pushing type of person and that's how God seems to work with me. So I'm not looking for a bolt of lightening (although that would be nice sometimes!) but I am listening for and looking for God to guide me with small steps.  Sometimes it a new connection from out of left field that opens a new door.  Other times it is a "Word" from a friend or colleague that brings "peace" about a direction I'm taking.

We are called to co-labour with God.  So sometimes He is labouring for me and other times I have to do some of the work.  Then there are times when nothing seems to be happening so I have to rest in God and trust that He is doing something or positioning someone before we can make more progress.

I'm not a fan of what I call fatalistic Christianity however.  The old song "Que Sers Sera, whatever will be will be" just doesn't cut it with the nature and character of God.  Teenagers I know might say "whatever" but I don't believe He is the God of "whatever!"

If it is a genuine dream or vision or passion of God then there will be a plan and timing from God at some point as well.  There will be signs along the way to lead us towards that goal.

We should not sit back with the attitude "that vision from God was cool" and then let God do all the work.  Quite frankly that will get you no where and God will probably look for someone else to complete the task if you won"t engage Him, co-labour with Him.

One final thought about visions and completing them with God.  Kevin Dedmon said at a resent conference I attended, "God doesn't reward success, He rewards risk."  I feel he was saying don't focus on the end result but on the journey.  God wants to work with us and play with His children.  It is the playing and co-labouring that God enjoys - not just the result.  This is a Grace filled point that may bring freedom to encourage you to get active with what God has put on your heart without the pressure that YOU MUST complete it.  That is up to God but whether you participate with God is up to you.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Networking, relationships, partnering, encouraging.......

I am constantly astounded with the willingness of strangers to help a good cause.  We have sen it every day in the reporting of the "love and encouragement" being given by so many to those in need in Christchurch.

One of the joys of this journey with "I'm a WorldChanger" is the total strangers who initially responded for a call for help or perspective who are now becoming encouragers of my projects and I feel one day friends.

God is so good at bringing together and forming "family" in everything we do.  So why not bring family to the workplace or to the people working together on common passions like WorldChangers.  God is so over function in the church and in his  believers.  Not that we function in the body, no that is vital, but how we find our value and purpose in function rather than our position as sons and daughters of God.  When we become focused on function we can become performance driven, legalistic and combative.  When our goal is family there is always grace.  We function out of love and serve willingly.

This next two weeks is very exciting for me as several of my initiatives are taking shape.  I'm meeting with several key people for my "Dreaming with Purpose" conference in August.  The website and promotional material start being worked on this week.  Today I have the first full strategic planning meeting for the IFF project.

And yet as I meet all these wonderful, skilled people I will keep one thing in mind always.  These people are firstly and for-mostly my family in the Lord.  My relationships and friendships with them will last into eternity but these projects will not.

So "chill out" Kim!  You hanging out with some awesome people this week.  Enjoy it and maybe, just maybe God might bless it and get the job done!